09: My Fault

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Sound Ship was one of the biggest events of the year where famous idols were invited to perform on a stage shaped like an enormous ship. Fans were eagerly waiting for their favourites to make their appearance. The venue was filled with chatter. Before long, the MC announced the name of the first idol in the line-up: Kujou Riku. Pumped, the audience shouted Riku's name over and over again.

Backstage, TRIGGER and IDOLiSH6 were already on standby. Why isn't Riku here yet? Tenn thought. Riku was supposed to go on stage within minutes. It would be foolish for Riku to come out and head straight to the dance floor. Tenn gulped when he saw Riku appear alongside Ryo seconds later. The boy looked so pale that he seemed like he could collapse at any moment. No! If you perform in that condition...! Tenn tightened his fist. He hated Tsukumo for allowing the boy to perform in that state.

Riku stopped briefly in front of Tenn and bowed quickly before proceeding to the stage entrance. Tenn hated himself for not being able to help his little brother. Part of him was proud that Riku did not abandon his idol's duty, yet another part of him screamed for him to go yank Riku back.

"Tenn, are you okay?" Ryuu whispered while squeezing Tenn's shoulder. He and Gaku looked pretty worried. Right, Tenn was the only one who knew about Riku's health problem. While he was turning his head to face his teammates, he happened to lock eyes with I6 centre, Izumi Iori, who also wore a grim expression on his face.

I knew it. That Izumi knows something, but how much? Does he know we are related? Does he know something I don't? Tenn glared angrily at Iori. For now, he had no choice but to watch Riku perform. Please let him be alright. Tenn prayed as the girly screams filled the whole venue.

"Eyes on me!" The fiery solo idol shouted his catchphrase once he got to the centre of the stage. "It's Kujou Riku!"

Tenn didn't think Riku still had the power to pull off high jumps and tricky dance moves. His vocal power did not fall behind either. I6 members except Iori cheered loudly for their friend.

"I hate to say it. His show is great," spoke Gaku. Even he and Ryuu could not take their eyes off the stage. So did Tenn, who watched the whole thing with a conflicted heart.


TRIGGER went on stage right after Riku. As much as he hated to do so, Tenn cast aside his feelings to focus on the fans who were there for them. If Riku could perform flawlessly with that condition, he could also do it. Riku was only a rival to him at that moment. So the centre danced, focusing on bringing out his charm and inner sexiness. For now, he lived and breathed for and only for his fans. Perhaps Tenn and Riku weren't so different in that aspect.

The modern-day angel switched off his idol mode as soon as he was no longer in the public eye. His mind was now focused only on one thing: his little brother, vowing to not leave before exchanging a few words with that stupid boy. He went down the corridor until he was stopped by force.

"Tenn, where do you think you are going?" Pulling Tenn's small frame from behind, Gaku stepped in front of him.

"Move, Gaku." Tenn tried to find a space to squeeze through. Not much luck there. "I need to see Riku."

"Now? What's gotten into you?"

He glared at the leader. Yea, right, Tenn didn't expect Gaku to understand.

"Okay, fine." Knowing he was not going to get an answer from the brat anytime soon, Gaku decided on the best course of action. "Ryuu and I are coming with you."

"What?" Tenn didn't like the idea. He was only going to talk to his brother. That extra protection was not necessary. "Ugh, fine." Rolling his eyes, he gave in. He didn't have time to start a war with Gaku.

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