VINCENZO S2 -Vol 11 - A New day

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That night, Cha-young couldn't sleep, she stayed for more than an hour on the phone with him, some moments were just...speechless. They new, they could feel the love. She could feel the warmth of his strong embrace through that phone call. She trusted him, and would put her life in his hands.

Tomorrow is a new day!

Its the end of October, in November the temperature goes down to about 12°, in Seoul but it rains a lot less than in July. Cha-young got her refill of energy last night and she gets to her office really engaged to proceed with plans, in order to get quickly to her lover. She can't hold it anymore. She wants to live.... freely...with him!!

She asks Mr. Nam to call Mr Ahn. When he arrives, they ask Chef Toto to bring them a nice meal for breakfast, rice, soup, meat, and a full array of side dishes, grilled short ribs (galbi), spicy seafood salad, bean sprout rice (kongnamul bab), spicy stewed fish, cold cucumber soup (oi naengguk), seasoned kelp, and radish strip kimchi (moo saengchae). She's happy and full of hope...

Miss Cha, our consiglière... well now he's the boss as you know,,, -gigles Mr Ahn, - he told me to explain to you his plan. He wishes you to take his mother with you.

- Yes he told me about that last night, go ahead Mr.Anh, we really dont have much time!!!! I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry.

-Sorry Miss Cha, ok, well, he wants you to negotiate a well payed mission to the ballon man, you know Mr Park Seok-do, to transport the goods under your bed.  Heughh ... He's an expert in that matter so dont worry to much, we are sure to trust him, as long as he can come along, but will have to pay him also... all precautions are not enough to mankind greed.

When the times comes, the consiglière's men are coming to help the balloon man, dont worry about it. - says Mr Ahn - Ok my mission here is finished, but dont forget me behind Miss Cha, we are already family, you know?

-Dont worry Mr Anh, Vincenzo is counting on you and so am I.

Mr Ahn, is now the happiest man in the world, he's singing in the rain, without umbrella, but... who cares soon enough he will be beside his idol. God is great, Buddha the same, he wants to live well, freely, with is new friends...

The days go by quickly, Cha-Young and Mr Nam take care of the building acquisition, as the president of Babel chemicals, doesn't show up!! Its been months since he had disappeared so the company thinks he just abandoned the ship...running away somewhere..

They were able to make an offer to Babel chemicals, which is in a very complicated position, financially and socially because of the scandals, to buy the Plaza building, under a fake name, and she gets it. Mr. Nam will take care of the reste enabling to make a donation of the building, to the tenants. To do so, the tenants have opened a corporation, named Cassano's Liberty Plaza.

Cha young takes care of the incineration of both their parents, and applies for an abroad special travel in order to make a special celebration of her father's death. She claims to the authorities that her father loved this woman, (the mother of Vincenzo) and had promised her to take her to Paris. So the only way, she continues is to  cremate them. 

With nobody's opposition her demande is accepted. She books a flight 2 weeks later, from Incheon International airport to Paris, Charles de Gaulle airport, but in reality the plan is to arrive at Paris, take of the bagages from the airplane, take the ashes from the ballot boxes, putt the ashes in plastic bags, and fly to Malta under a fake name, her father and his mother's ashes hidden in these plastic bags, undetectable to airport scanners.

Her new name has been chosen by Vincenzo, he' has planned the thing to the nearest non point of existence. She'll be wearing a black very long hair wig, 

....and she's now Miss Sofia Cassano...

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