Vincenzo S2-Vol 4- The letter

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At home Cha-young is really worried going through all these thoughts, that sweep her ming, and wont go away, the residents of the Plaza are going crazy, the amount of gold she has under... a bed!!!, no news from Vincenzo, but above all, is that villain really dead? She has to know, she can't wait anymore. So she calls Vincenzo but the number is'nt working, there's no signal at all, and Mr. Anh does'nt know either about Vincenzo's whereabouts, nobody has any information at all...its late, she stood there trying to clear her mind.

The sun rises starting a new day, its sunlight goes timidly through the windows, brushing Cha-young's face, did she just wake up?, or didn't she sleep at all? Whatever!! !- she thinks-

Cha-young goes to the basement of her father's house, old memories of this great lawyer Mr Hong Yu-Chan, her father, come knocking on her mind, on her body, on her heart, the way he fought all his life for the poor and the unprotected.... tears come to her eyes, full of regrets, as she promises herself to never again keep back her feelings, to anyone...This father that she loved dearly, and did not took the time to tell him, and them... it was too late...

Through the windows she can hear the wind blow smoothly outside, October in Seoul 20°, maybe some rain to be expected today, the house is in the district of Jung-gu, not far from the Geunga Plaza. A bit lost in her worries, Cha-young's eyes come across Vincenzo's mother's letter, another victime, and another protected one, by her father.... Suddenly she realizes, that's why she got to meet Vincenzo, for her father was his mother's lawyer.... she held the letter dearly against her chest, and promised Mrs.Oh Gyong-ja that if her son lets her, she will take good care of him, and love him forever... In the next life, -she says-lets meet again Mrs Oh.!I will call you mother, and so will your son....!

A good thought cheers her up.....Vincenzo had left her, his mother's letter, as a promise.. that he would come back for her...

VINCENZO S2 - VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now