VINCENZO S2 - Vol 12 - Preparations

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Its November already, Seoul's temperature is decreasing fast, but it rains less than in July. A beautiful foliage takes place in Korea, besides the red "Maple Trees and the golden Ginkgo Trees, there are tall silver Pampas Grass field at attraction like Haneul Park, wild yellow Cosmos flower field and Roses at Olympic Park, all equally mesmerizing in autumn.

Hot new additions that have gained great popularity in recent years include the Pink Muhly Grass and Kochia Scoparia." (

Well... it's a romantic city, ready to reserve her beauty to each lover. You will fall in love too....

By the 15th, Cha-young will be leaving all of this behind, maybe forever....! Her Dad and his Mom, won't be left behind!!!! Amidst all the tourists that Seoul receives every year, she will pass thought, like a little bee!

Atthat time, the tourists will begin to leave frenetically Seoul. The city will be a bit calmer, and it will be able to heal from the assault of hundreds of visitors, that tried to meet her, know her and love her... abruptly... as if they were speed dating this fairy-like city, that still grows between past and future.

November is also the time to celebrate the lantern festival in Seoul, so...... at the end of the month, everybody will be very occupied with the lanterns, not paying attention to those..... who want to leave...... incognito!!!

Cha-young is getting ready to leave Korea and embrace, what she fears being a mafia life...but... who cares! It will be beside Vincenzo! For heaven and earth, for the first time in her life, she is really very sure of what she wants, she feels happy, confident! She will not betray his way!!

But in this state of mind, she's no good to help Mr Nam, Mi Ri and the Monks retaining the Cassano Plaza's residents. Since they were able to open a cooperative, buy the Plaza and name it, they have calmed down a lot!! But they still are like kids looking forward to buy exquisite toys that will alert any neighbor. But none of these brothers and sisters are born from the last rains, so...they'll just be fine.

Mr Park from Ant financial make preparations to organise a special balloon ride along with 3 employees sent by Luca, they will go from Seoul to Jeju-Do island.

The island is known for its balneary stations, mount Halla a sleeping volcan. The temple of Gwaneumsa, between others, its easy to ask to visit without someone questioning any other motives, that tourism itself.

From there a military helicopter will take them and the gold gold to Laos military airport. The operation is very expensive, but it's the best agreement Vincenzo did with Laos in order to bypass without controlled of the merchandise. This stop at Laos will enable for Mr Park, to change identity, by presenting a new passeport. Every body that controls his were abouts will loose trail at Laos. From there the same evening the helicopter will get them and the gold to Manoel Island in Malta ...safely. 

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