VINCENZO S2 -Vol16 -The List

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Vincenzo season 2 VOL 2 part 5 – The list

Back to her home, Cha-Young fights between visuals of happiness and thoughts of incertitude, she pours a glass of red wine, thinking about all the people that are ready to go, were she and her lover will live!!!

These people are also going to our Island. Can they really be trusted? Is it ok to allow them to go?

Mr Park the balloon man??? Well he definitely has changed!! It was also the price to pay in order to insure those three balloons will really get to Jeju Island, it was the only way.

Mr Nam, oh Mr Nam!!! I know him quite well, he respected my father, he'll respect me, for what I know! I would never leave him behind, he's all that is left from my father....I wonder if both of us can open a law firm in that Island? Wait a minute, does that mean we will be doing mafia business.... Heughhhhh! Cold drew down her spine...

Mi Ri ? Vincenzo needs her skills...even I need Mi Ri!!!

As per the Monks, it is certain that the new Vincenzo's organization needed them more, than anybody else. They would sure put some humanity in those guys hearts..The Monks were necessary, in all aspects. Not to mention how they were helping them, ever since.

But now the dancer ???? they are all going to Vincenzo's place .... God !!!! is this really, ok? - I have to call Vincenzo...again....she struggles...

Cha-Young knows this is a big step to take... for everyone. How can she just be reckless, and not point out the danger of these choices??!!

She calls Mr Ahn and asks him to meet, in order to call Vincenzo, since her telephone is not protected enough. 

Its already 10h00 pm in Seoul but Mr. Ahn has always put Vincenzo's interests in first line, so he goes to Cha-Young's home, to hear to whatever she's got to say.

Mr Ahn thankyou for coming under such short notice, I'm really worried- says Cha-Young- Its ok Miss Cha I fully understand, lets discuss these matters, I'm here for you, and for our beloved Vincenzo.....!

She explain him her feelings and Mr Anh, that by his time has everybody's profiles (not Mi Ri's though...) assures her about Larry King -We've got absolutely nothing on this guy Miss Cha, not event a parking ticket -he says.

Mr Ahn has worked all his life for justice but also for promotion, Vincenzo opened a new world for him, and he was unable to live up to anything else, because, like us, he became his fan!!!! Most important he felt, for the first time of his professional life, he felt respected. He felt useful, it felt like having a family.

Mr Ahn, please let us call Vincenzo, I need to report this, I need to know with certitude were we are all going Mr Ahn, do you understand ? -say Cha-young.

I understand loud and clair Miss Chan, I really do.... Here's my phone..

Cha-Young grabs the phone, and sets out to her balcony... 

Vincenzo.. Vincenzo can you hear me?

I hear you cara mia, is something wrong? Tell me!!

Vincenzo, a new person wants to come to the Island, are you aware of this? l'mso, I'm worried. Are all of these people we can really trust?' Larry King the dancer!!!

Sweetie stop worrying, have you forgotten?... I told you it's a healing place I've created, darling stop worrying...its fully secured, we've got warriors here too, stop thinking to much, its ok, dont worry. Do you remember the lady in Italy, to whom phone you called, and instead you got Paolo, Mrs Chiara?- well she's also coming with her daughter, in fact she's arriving tomorrow, -informs Vincenzo,- I'm really satisfied with her decision, she was a mother for me, when mine was lost.

They stayed on the phone nearly an hour speaking to each, all of a sudden she remembers that Mr Ahn is in the living room, and looks for him....-Wait Vincenzo Mr Ahn is here with me, I completely forgot about him...jezzzzz- Oh ok... don't worry darling he's...asleep like a baby...., They exchanged words of love between phrases of hope and commitment forever..

Cha-Young's anxiety is palpable, but then... so was Vincenzo's.

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