VINCENZO S2 - Vol 29 - The Sun and The Moon - 48° 51′ 23″ nord, 2° 16′ 48″

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- Vincenzo, sweetie, what is your island like? Tell me about it.... I heard the monks arrived well with the balloon man, and the gold... jezz!!! I was really worried about all that weight on the balloons... you know??!!

- everything went as planned my love, why do you worry about it?

- in fact, Vincenzo I am worried about Taec Youn.... we didn't see his body, are you sure he is really dead? such a psycho!!!!

- we are in Paris sweetie, let's not speak about that anymore, and the island, well, you'll see it tomorrow, I'll call Luca for the flight reservations, for now, I have another surprise for you today, do you want to see it?

He holds her tight against his body still half naked by a shared pajama, Cha Young doesn't answer, she wants to let this feeling last forever, she's finally with him, and he loves... like nobody else...

-Here my love, I bought you a present, I was keeping it for when you arrive to Malta, but... In fact I must say I could not wait any longer, so I came to Paris to be with you, and finally bought this with me, see if you like it!!.

-Oh it's a dress, oh its beautiful Vincenzo!!! I love it, and its white.... And long....oh my God! are these golden threads?!! It's beautiful....

-Wear it, sweetie, put it on today!!! Let's go visit something nice, ok? Your long coat will cover you enough you won't be cold.

After breakfast, the two set off to visit a church, Notre-Dame-de-Grâce church in Passy, located at 10 rue de l'Annonciation in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. It is a Roman Catholic church; its bell tower is quoted in the Ballade à la Lune (Walk to the Moon) by Alfred de Musset.

My love, my adoptive parents got married in Italy, but came to this church the day after, my adoptive mother adored this church, that's why I wanted to show it to you !! - but in fact...a want to exchange rings with you today, marry you, here right now, in the city that made you mine forever.

And he kisses her gently, passing his hands around her, and slightly caressing her face, like the Moon could caress the Sun

The priest arrived and Cha Young is completely mouth opened by the events, it's a real surprise, he had organized it all, amazing man, she thinks once again.....

The ceremony begins, Vincenzo opens the box with the wedding rings engraved with the inscription 48° 51′ 23″ nord, 2° 16′ 48″.

Before putting the ring in her finger, he shows her the inscriptions.

-My darling this is the geographic coordinates of this church, engraved in both rings the same, but yours has also the word "Sun" and mine has the word "Moon". Let me be your Sun, and please darling, be my Moon.... will you?

Coming closer to him, Cha Young answers with a burning kiss, sealing up this promisse in Paris at 12h30 the 17th November at exactly 12h30, at 48° 51′ 23″ nord, 2° 16′ 48″.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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