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A/N: Sooo... funny writing story... while writing this chapter instead of saying "I grabbed the scissors off my desk" I wrote "I grabbed my wand off my desk" why? Well, because I'm a nerd and have been reading Harry Potter for the millionth time and watching the movies as well... I am also in the process of writing a new Draco Malfoy x Reader story... my brain was confused and I didn't catch it until I proof read it.

I grabbed the scissors off my desk and stood up, placing the chair between myself and Stu. "What do you want?" I asked, holding the scissors out. As if they were going to help me. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said, his hands raised to show he didn't have any kind of weapon. I wasn't stupid enough to believe he didn't have anything on him. 

He probably has the knife behind him, tucked into his jeans or something. Don't let your feelings for him show!

"Right. That's what you said after YOU FUCKING STABBED ME!" I yelled. "I didn't want to hurt you but I had to slow you down somehow. I had to hurt you so Billy wouldn't," he said. At the mention of Billy's name I looked behind him out the window. 

Great, he's probably outside on the roof waiting for some kind of signal from Stu so they can both kill me like they killed my mother.

"He's not here," Stu said. "Sure. I'm not stupid, Stu! He's probably right outside the window, waiting for you to give him some kind of sign so he can come in here and you two can brutally murder me just like you murdered my mother!" He flinched as I screamed at him. "I promise he's not here. He's in Ohio," he said. My eyes widened and my thoughts immediately went to Sidney and Randy. "He's not going to kill them. He's just keeping an eye on them. More Sid than Randy," Stu said. 

I hated how he could easily read me and know what I was thinking. "What do you want? Why are you here?" I asked. "I wanted to see you. I miss you," he said, taking a step closer to me. "Stop! Don't come near me!" I yelled, in a panic. My hand was shaking as I tried backing myself up closer to the wall. He stopped in his tracks, a hurt expression on his face, "Please don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Don't you think if I wanted to hurt I would have by now? I had plenty of chances on the nights you worked alone." 

"You better leave before my dad comes up here," I said, taking a shaky breath. "He's not here, I watched him leave. I watched David drop your pizza off, and I listened to talking to Randy. Creepy Karen? I guess she would be perfect for that little horror geek. She's fucking scary!" He laughed. My eyes started to fill with tears, my whole body was shaking. I was having a battle with myself. I wanted to run over to him and be wrapped in his arms like old times but I couldn't do that. He wasn't the Stu I once knew. He was a psychopath who killed my mother and friends. "Please leave," I whispered. His smile dropped as he looked at me, "Don't-- don't cry, baby. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry," he whispered. 

I shook my head, looking away from him. "You need to leave, Stu," I said. "Don't you miss me?" He asked. Tears started to stream down my face.


"No," I shook my head. "No, I don't miss you. Leave," I said. I couldn't look at him, If I looked at him I would lose the battle. "Okay." I heard the hurt in his voice, heard the shuffling of him climbing out of my window. I waited at least ten minutes before standing on shaky legs, rushing over to my window, shutting and locking then falling to the floor as a loud sob left me. 

When I woke up the sun was shining through the window and I was still laying on my floor near the window. I sat up and looked around before standing up and stretching. 

Was it all just a terrible dream? Or was Stu really here last night?

I turned around to look out my window and then headed for the stairs. I decided to just eat leftover pizza seeing as it was nearly noon already. I jumped when the phone rang. Slowly walking over to the phone, picking it up and answering. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, y/n. Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing?" I took a deep breath and relaxed a little bit. "Hey, Dewey. I'm fine," I told him. "You sure?" He asked, concerned. "Yeah, I was up late last night trying to finish my homework. I just woke up," I chuckled. He let out a small laugh, "Okay. Well if you need anything just call me at the station," he said. "Okay. Thanks, Dewey," I said and hung up. 

There rest of the day was filled with forcing myself to finish my homework and laying around watching movies. Instead of ordering in again I decided to just cook something for dinner. After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and went back to hiding in my bedroom. I had Texas Chainsaw Massacre playing but wasn't paying attention to it. Instead I was looking out the window. Eventually I groaned and got up. I looked outside to see a tall shadowy figure leaning on the archway by the fence. 

"He's never going to fucking leave," I groaned. As much as I wanted to be annoyed, I couldn't help be feel a little safer with him standing out there. It made no damn sense. I'm noting going to lie and say I wasnt scared last night, because I was, but the more I thought about the hurt look in his eyes last night-- I just couldn't help but see the old Stu, the Stu that wasn't a cold blooded murdering psychopath. But I couldn't let myself give in to him. He needed to feel the pain he caused me. He made me believe he actually loved me. Maybe he does love me but I just can't believe it. 

I was also fighting with myself whether or not to call Sidney and Randy to tell them Billy was there in Ohio. Would they even believe me? They didn't when I told him about feeling like I was always being watched. They didn't believe me when I told them Stu had called me, they said it was just a prank. They said there was no way that Stu and Billy would risk staying in Woodsboro. But Stu was right outside-- MY FUCKING WINDOW! I jumped, a small scream leaving my throat when I saw him staring me fucking waving like it nothing happened, like the whole killing a bunch of people never happened. "Go away, Stuart! Fuck off!" I yelled. The smile on his face dropped and he nodded before disappearing. 

God why does he have to be so damn cute?!

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