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We came to the wall everyone likes to sit on in the center of campus and looked out to see a sea of reports and their cameramen asking the chief questions about the murders. I jumped u0 on the wall and looked around. "Holy Shit!" I hit Randy's shoulder and pointed towards the woman in black. "Sidney, look. It's Gale Weathers," he said, turning to look at my sister. "What?" She asked and came closer sitting on the wall. "Star of the Gale Weathers press conference, based on the book by Gale Weathers. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Gale Weathers," Randy said into Mickey's camera. 

"Be kind, she saved our lives," Sideny said. "Ha! That was funny Sid. Really it was. Gale Weathers the hero who took down the two Woodsboro High School teenage serial killers single handed," I said sarcastically. "She had calf implants," Randy said. "What she needs is a brain implant. Stupid bitch was knocked for all but two fucking minutes. Big deal she shot Billy Loomis only after she learned there was a safety on the gun. Her head is so far up her ass," I said. 

Just seeing her here in Windsor pissed me off beyond belief. I couldn't stand the woman. How she made me and Sidney sound in her fucking book that made her out to be the hero. "Maybe I should write my own book. Tell the real story. Make her out to be the dumb report who can't use a gun." Sideny looked up at me and smiled. "You would do that. I don't doubt once you graduate you'll start writing a script and producing a movie on your own about what really happened." I gasped and put my hand on my chest. "I would never," I said. "Sure. Sure. Because you're so nice and sweet. I'm going to get closer," Randy said. "Wait! I want to come!" I said, jumping on his back. "You're so annoying!" He groaned. "You love me." 


I watched as my sister and Randy walked away to get closer to the press conference. I shook my head with a smile. "They always like that?" Derek asked me. "Yeah. They're been best friends since we were kids," I told him. He sat beside me and looked down at Gale. "So that's her?" "Yeah." We were watching the conference when the sorority Hallie pleaded to come up to us. "Hello, girls." We all looked over at them and Hallie straightened up. "Oh. Hello, Sister Lois, Sister Murphy." 

"Hello, Pledge. Hi, Sidney." 


"This must be flat-out hell for you and your sister. How are you holding up?" Murphy asked. 

"We manage." 

"It's really weird, isn't it? To think this fuss is all because of you and your sister! I mean, not directly, but in some six-degrees-of-kevin Bacon way." 

"Yeah. Now ummm... Hallie, are you gonna bring your friends to our little martini mixer tonight?" Lois asked. 

"I have a lot of work to do. And my sister isn't the party kind of person," I said. 

"We'll  be there," Hallie told her. Y/N wasn't going to like hearing that. She hates parties. I know she went to her senior party but I always knew Stu was there. 

I wasn't big on the idea that she was sneaking around with one of the people who killed our mother and tried to kill us. She told me what happened a couple months ago with him in her dorm room and she hasn't talked or seen him since. I wanted to call the police and inform them that he and Billy were hanging around Windsor but I didn't want to upset her at the time. I had a feeling that thwy could possibly be behind the murders last night.

 Y/N has been glued to Randy since her last encounter with Stu. They were always attached at the hip but when she clung to him the way she was it was her way of saying she was terrified. I know he wouldn't let anything happen to her. And even if it seemed he was annoyed with her clinging to him like she is, I knew he wasn't. He didn't mind. He knows how she is and would keep her safe. I never understood why they didn't just get together. They have a lot of chemistry but they both say it's not like that. They always say they're like brother and sister. 

"Oh, good. Because, Sid, we have our eyes on you and maybe your sister too. You hang in there and if there is anything we can do-" 

"The Delta Lambdas are very sensitive to your plight." 

"Yeah. Bye!" With that the Delta Lambdas walked away. "Are you going to start to dress like that once you get in?" Derek asked. "That's not gonna happen," I told him. "Delta Lambdas are the biggest bunch of fuckin-" Mickey started to say until Hallie cut him off. "Hey! I'm pledging Delta Lambdas, thank you." 

"Oh, my god." While watching the girls walk away I saw a familiar figure looking around. I got up and ran over to him. "Dewey!" 


After we listened to the conference Randy and I went back to the group. Sidney wasn't with them though. They said she ran off after someone. Randy and I followed along when they walked towards where she went. "Is that?" I asked, looking at Randy and he nodded. "Deputy Dewey, Woodsboro's finest," Randy said. I looked at Sidney and asked, "What's he doing here?" "He's worried. Out surrogate big brother," Sidney said. "Nothing like a funeral to bring the family together. I'm going to go say hi. Are you coming?" Randy said. "Yeah. I'll be there in a few minutes." He nodded and went after Dewey. 

"Chief Hartley said the girl was stabbed seven--" Mickey when t o say but Derek told him to drop it. "Hello, Sidney, Y/N." Sidney and I turned to see Gale Fucking Weathers. "How are you?" She asked. "Hi, what do you want, Gale?" Sidney asked. I came to stand beside her and glared at Gale. She had her cameraman behind her recording. "Well, I was hoping I might get just a few words with you both." Her cameraman moved to the side and I looked over at Sidney after seeing the man who was now standing in front of us. 

"Cotton, Sidney said. "Hi, Sidney. Y/N," he said. I didn't say anything, just glared at Gale. "Here we are at Windsor College, where Sidney and Y/N Prescott had just been reunited with Cotton Weary for the first time since they wrongly accused him of murdering their mother." 

I grabbed her arm and pulled it down. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "We want to know how you feel. Tell us everything that's happened, looking back on the last two years," she said. 

"Sidney. Y/N, is just like saying that I forgive and forget, and just like you, I'd like to get back on with my own life," Cotton said. "Do have any comments?" Gale asked. Before Sidney could say anything I lunged. "You bitch!" My fist collided with her cheek just like it had two years ago when she cornered us in the ally outside the police station. She fell back into Cotton who caught her. I went to crawl on top of her when arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me away. "Come on! Time to go!" I was thrown over someone's shoulders and heard Hallie. "Did you get that on film?" "Yes I got that on film," an other voice said. 

"What the hell happened?" I was set on my feet and then another pair of arms were around me. "Y/N punched Gale... again," Sidney said. Randy laughed and hugged me. "Come on, let's get you back to your dorm before you kill her," he said. We said bye to everyone and he walked me back towards my dorm.

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