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A/N: This is a long chapter sorry... not really! (😁)

"I miss you. I miss the way you smell. I miss holding you. I miss the way you taste and feel wrapped around me. I miss the way you moan my name." I was gripping the counter so hard my knuckles were white. He was pissed up against me, his hands laid flat on the counter on either side of me, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. "Tell me you don't miss me and I'll back away and tell you the rest of the story." I had to take a deep breath to control myself. Fear was coursing through  me but so was pleasure. The feeling of him so close to me again was almost overwhelming. 

I miss you. I miss you more than anything. I want you.

"I don't miss you," I forced my words to sound emotionless saying them in a monotone voice. "I know that's a lie but I'll be a gentleman and back away." He backed away from me and I shivered at the loss of his warmth. I took another deep breath and turns around to grab the knife I had placed on the counter. After I was finished dishing up the plates I turned around and walked to the table. "You know where the forks are," I said. I set a plate down  at one end of the table and then went to sit at the other end. "And don't even think about grabbing your knife out of that drawer. Just grab two forks," I told him. He made his way over to the table, grabbed his plate and sat down beside me, handing me a fork. 

"Set that down there for a reason," I told him. "I know," he smirked. It was silent as we ate. It was like eleven at night and I had school in the morning but I needed to know the rest of this story. What I didn't expect was for him to gather the dishes up, wash, dry, and put them away. "So where was I?" He asked. I didn't say anything. I just looked down at the table. "Right. Well, after everything happened with your mom, Billy and I decided that we would do our best in comforting you and Sidney. Sidney was way worse than you were, she distanced herself which made Billy frustrated. She hadn't even asked how he was doing when his mom left, ya know? Then she wouldn't let him touch her in any kind of way. We figured Cotton and your mom had fucked that night. We didn't think they would say that he raped her then killed her. 

"You were kind of just...numb. Like you are now. You're numb. It was easier for me than it was for Billy. I mean Sid came around eventually and let him hold her and shit. He was pissed when I told him you let me finger you and taste that sweet pussy of yours," he laughed. A smirk took over his features. It's to force myself not to cry in front of him. 

He never loved me. Everything he said was a lie. He just used you.

He was right though, I am numb. At first after the party when I woke up in the hospital, all I wanted was to be beside my best friend and have Sid there too. I was terrified when Sheriff Burke told us that Billy and Stu were missing. I jumped at everything, every little noise, every person that walked up behind me. I would cling to Randy at school. Now I'm just numb to it all. Well, all of it except for Stu. He made every emotion light up and my head was spinning because I was fighting with myself. I wanted to run into his arm, forgive him, let him have me but I was always scared, angry, and wanted to scream and cry. I wanted to make him feel how I was feeling. 

"What're you thinking about?" I jumped at how close his voice sounded. He was back sitting beside me, his voice soft, his eyes filled with concern and curiosity. I debated telling him. Should I just lay it all out there? Should I just let myself let go of all the emotions I have running through my body? "Finish." That's all I had the energy to say right now. I need to know the full story before I let anything out. "Okay. Well, we planned for the party along with who we would kill. We needed it to look like your dad had lost it and went on a spree at random. It was my idea to make it look like your dad was the one to kill everyone. 

"It took all year to plan. When Billy and I weren't with you and Sid We were at my place planning everything. Billy is really all about following the plan step by step. We had to find out when Casey and Steve would be hanging out alone. When we did we waited for Steve outside Casey's house. We took him down and tied him up in a chair, duct taped his mouth shut. Then Billy called Casey and I waited out back where Steve was. Billy asked her questions and when it was time he gave me a signal and I gutted Steve, threw a deck chair through the doors that led out to the pool and chased her. I unlocked the door for Billy and when she ran outside I chased after her and killed her then we hung her up and gutted her. 

"Then we left and came over here. Billy climbed through Sid's window first and I waited for a little before crawling through your window and  distracted you. I told you I loved you for the first time that night." 

Flash Back

I was lying on my stomach on my bed watching 'Fear' . It wasn't horror, more of a thriller/drama. But it had Mark Wehlburg and Reese Witherspoon so I decided to bring it home and watch it. It wasn't a bad movie, it's actually pretty good. I mean who doesn't like the bad boy? It was at the part that Nicole and David were getting on the roller coaster when I heard a scream from Sideny's room from down the hall. My head snapped towards my door. "That's hot," I jumped and tumbled off my bed onto the floor. "Fuck!" I groaned. I looked up to see Stu standing over me. "Damn it, Stu!" I whispered harshly. "Sorry," he smirked. In the next second I heard my dad rushing down the hall. 

"Shit! Hide!" I said, jumping up and ran towards my door. I grabbed the handle just as my dad was opening it. "Jesus, dad, don't you knock?" I asked. He sighed. "What's going on in there? I heard a loud bang," he said. "I fell, dad," I told him. He gave me a look. "First I hear Sid scream and then I hear a loud noise coming from your room. What are you two up to?" He asked, pushing into my room. I looked around to see Stu wasn't anywhere to be seen. He looked at the tv. "Fine. Don't forget I'm leaving town for a couple days tomorrow and I'll--" I cut him off, "Be staying at the Hilton," I said. "Alright, get some sleep, don't stay up too late," he said. "I won't. Night, daddy," I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Night, sweetheart," he walked away towards his room. I shut and locked the door, including putting my closet door against it just to be safe. 

"That was a close one," I turned to see Stu spread out on my bed. "Stu, what're you doing here?" I asked. "What? I can't come see my beautiful girlfriend?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and climbed onto my bed beside him. "You made me miss everything," I told him. "We can rewind it. That scene was really hot," he whispered in my ear, making me giggle. "Stop," I blushed, lightly hitting his chest. "So, I'm guessing Billy is in Sidney's room and that's why she screamed," I said and he nodded. "Hmm," he hummed. He pushed me onto my back and hovered over me, leaning down, capturing my lips with his. I happily kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

He kissed down my jaw to my neck, his hand moving up my bare thigh, and under my oversized tee-shirt. I hooked my leg around his waist and he kissed back up to my lips. He pulled away and looked at me. "I love you," he whispered. My breath hitched and I stared at him with wide eyes. He just continued looking at me. A smile started to take over my features, pulling him back down, kissing him before pulling away. "I love you, too," I whispered. It was the first time either of us said that. He smirked, leaning down and kissing me all over my face making me giggle. "How sweet," I jumped, Stu turned his head. Billy was leaning through my window. 

"Hey, man. Thought you were with Sid," Stu said. "I was. She flashed me and told me she'd see me tomorrow. Are you coming?" Billy asked. I raised my eyebrows at her, she flashed him part. "My sister, Sidney Prescott, flashed you?" I asked in surprise. Billy nodded trying to hold back a smirk. "Are you coming or not?" Billy asked Stu. "I could have been if you didn't interrupt," Stu mumbled. I smacked his arm. "Oh, my god, Stu!" I groaned. "What? Don't act like you're not turned on right now," he whispered in my ear. I felt my face heat up and he chuckled.

He stood up off the bed. I followed after him pulling my shirt down. "I'll see you tomorrow," I told him. Stu wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down, kissing me before put his lips beside my ear. "I love you," he whispered only loud enough for me to hear. "I'll see at school." Billy moved out of the way so Stu could climb out onto the roof. "Bye, guys," I said. "Bye, baby." "See ya, y/n." Once they were out of sight I ran to Sidney's room.

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