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april 12,


this jisung kid is really something else. i've made myself open up to him, if that's the way to describe it. it wasn't really my choice— no it was my choice.

in the beginning, if i actually talked more and gave longer answers to his questions he would talk less. i did it as a way to make him shut up. but— the more i did that, the more i felt.. different. i cant describe it.

my mom used to tell me different is good. not really sure how but— i guess following the norm isn't really cool.

'why be like everyone else? it's easy to succeed doing what the majority does but it's more satisfactory doing it your own way. never think there's only one way to do things.' she used to tell me.

be me. she told me to never disregard myself just to be like everyone else.

when jisung forced me to hang out, everything he asked me seemed sincere. he always tried to make eye contact, which seemed hard for him most of the time, he listened to my words carefully and remembered everything. his eyes were so easy to get lost in.

no one's been like him.

although there were some stupid comments that still came out of him. sometimes it would be him trying to make a joke out of whatever we were doing or just something completely unrelated. one time i told him to stop playing with my hair and he replied with, 'you didn't say simon says.' and continued to do it. like— what the fuck? he can be so stupid sometimes.

i cant say i haven't laughed a little at certain jokes he's made. no actually— it wasn't even laughing, i chuckled. those jokes don't deserve a LAUGH. he snorted at everyone single one of them. his ego is too high.

i'll be laughing on december 17.

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