Leah imagine.

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Today, i'm hanging out with my girlfriend Leah. It's going to be great!

Me and Leah are going to the beach because it's such a nice day and her brother said we should go along and play some football.

When we got to the beach there was a massive match of football going on that ofcourse I had to get involved. Unfortunately me and Leah got put on opposing teams, but it'll be fun.

I was in defence with another guy, Quil, he seems alright, cool guy from what i've heard. "So what's your name?" Quil asked. "Y/N you?"
"Atera, Quil Atera."
"Nice name"
"thanks, yours too"
"Thanks" i said whilst laughing. Just then the ball went passed us and the other team scored. "Damnit guys! it's called defence for a reason!" some random guy shouted. "They wouldn't notice, they were too busy flirting." Leah. "We weren't flirting Leah" I quickly said. Dayum this girl gets Jealous easily. "Bullshit!"
"It's true Leah we weren't, can't people just talk!?"
"Bullshit! You're such a man hoe, you always flirt with everyone!" I stepped in the middle of them. "Stop for fuck sake!" Obviously they didn't listen to me. I hate people sometimes. "Me!? how the fuck do I flirt with everyone!? You're just jealous that I can actually get someone" Before that Leah was shaking, from anger i'm guessing. I started walking to her but was pulled back, then infront of my eyes Leah changed somehow into a wolf and then ran into the forest. I just stared at the spot Leah was previously in. What just happened? "Pay up Jake" Seth said. Then was handed 10 bucks and two guys ran into the forest, supposedly after Leah.

I could feel people staring at me, but i didnt care, i was still in the same spot and staring at the same thing. Please tell me i'm dreaming I thought whilst pinching the back of my hand. Great i'm not dreaming. Why wouldn't she tell me this?! How are all these guy oka- They're wolves too aren't they!? I got up and started walking back to my car. "Where you going!?" someone shouted behind me. I don't even know. Most likely home. "doesn't matter, just tell whatever that was to never call me."
"Wow, Leah's going to kill you now Quil."

I quickly got in my car and started driving back home. I swear on the ride home I saw something running alongside my car but either I don't care or i'm mental. I vote second option.

when I got home I just opened my window to let air in then I sat in the middle of my bed and stared at the floor.

At around 7p.m I heard sticks snapping but obviously didn't think nothing of it that was until Leah jumped in, through the window. "What do you want!?" I nearly shouted at her. "I'm sorry, sorry for getting Jealous, transforming and then running off."
"You could've told me..."
"I wanted to, but Sam says we can't tell anyone. I desperately wanted to tell you since you're my imprint. But Sam's such a stuck up knobend."
"What's an imprint?"
"i'll tell you later" she said whilst walking nearer to me. When she got to me she pulled me up and hugged me. "I really am sorry"
"it's okay" I said then kissed her. After we just cuddled up in bed and eventually (after me asking her everything about wolves) we fell asleep.

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