How you met (part 2)

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Okay, so I bet you all hate me because its been fucking ages. But I'm in the mood for some twilight and all my comments are coming through now because I redownloaded this app. A lot of you wanted the part two. So here you go. Again, I'm so sorry. Plus, I think my writing technique has gotten worse, so sorry for that too.

The wolf pack

Jacob: "oh come on Y/n, you know it'll be fun" My best friend whined when everyone suggested a beach trip. I, however, wasn't really feeling it because of how rubbish the weather was. "fine" I grumbled, giving in, earning squeels from the others.

"told you the sun would come out" Y/BF/N said, almost like she was proud she predicted the weather. "okay, okay. Maybe this isnt all bad" I replied, standing up and stretching just as a chorus of "heads up" made our way, causing me to turn around... Just to get in the face by a ball. "ow" I whispered from my place on the floor, rubbing my nose. "shit, I'm so sorry" A deep and very attractive voice came, causing me to sit up. A shirtless guy (correction, a hot tan shirtless guy) was in front of me, an apologetic look on his face. "it's fine, really" I replied, looking up at him, smiling. He froze for a few seconds, before smiling. He held out his hand and I gripped it tightly, letting him help me up. "Thanks..." I trailed off, hinting at him to tell me his name. "Jacob Black... What's your name, beautiful?" He replied cheekily, making my cheeks tint pink. "Maybe you'll find out next time, if you dont hit me with a ball." I said, finally giving someone a cheeky comment, before sitting back down near my friends. "Her name's Y/N, call her sometime" My best friend called out, making me smack her arm lightly. I'm so glad I came to this beach...

Seth: "Dad... Where's my-" I stopped when I walked into my living room to be greeted by a huddle of shirtless boys, my brother, Jake, in the middle of it. "you're not my dad" I muttered awkwardly as they all stared at me. "damn Jake, didnt tell us your sister was hot" one of them said smirking as they looked me up and down. "probably too young for you too" I retaliated, surprising myself and they all 'ooh'd'.

"The douche that made the comment was Paul and this is Seth" he said, finally landing on the boy who looked my age. He had a cute smile and the cutest little dimples. "hi" I mumbled, waving shyly, looking up at the tall boy in front of me. His eyes met mine for just a second and he froze noticeabley. "not my sister" I heard Jake growl, confusing me. "gotta run, it was nice meeting you" Seth said quickly, running out of the door... With Jake right behind him. Do I even wanna ask?

Jared: "I fucking hate you" I growled in tears, running out of my now ex-boyfriends house. He thought that it would be an amazing idea to cheat on me... Oh yes, it really was. You can sense sarcasm right?

The tears were starting to blur my vision, so I wasn't surprised when I walked right into someone. "watch where you- oh god, are you okay?" The person asked, finishing off softly, clearly noticing my tears. "yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled, frantically trying to wipe my cheeks as I looked up and saw a handsome looking guy. "you can't be fine if you're crying. Wanna talk about it?" He replied, like he was really smart for stating the obvious. "I just wanna go home..." I trailed off in a whisper. "okay, I'll walk you."

"I could've made it myself, but thanks." I whispered to the guy, who on the way told me his name was Jared and he actually lived across from me. "Anytime. I hope you feel better. If not, I only live across the road."

Embry: you've known Embry all your life. Your moms were best friends.

Quil: "Jacob Black, get your ass back here!" I screamed, running after him. He was way too fast though, so I just walked back to his garage, finding a towel to wipe the water off of me. He came back in, a cheeky smile on his face. "You're an asshat. I'm gonna make Charlie shoot you, I swear to god." I growled, as two other guys walked in behind us. "woah, Jake, never told us you had a girl" one of them said, looking at me. "oh come on. You think he'd be able to get this?" I replied, rolling my eyes, before gesturing to myself. "damn, I like her already." The other one said, biting his lip as my cheeks flushed pink. "I'm Quil, Quilt Atera" he added, smiling. "I'm Y/N swan, nice to meet you" I replied, holding my hand out. Instead of shaking it, he kissed it. "beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." He said, just as I heard my sister pull up to pick me up. "lovely to meet all of you, Jake, keep off the mains roads" I finished off smirking, before running Out, Quil's cute face and cheesy words going around my mind.

Leah: "This school is bullshit" I mumbled when I saw that I was gonna be tutored in English by a kid younger than me. "hey, you're Y/N, right?" Seth Clearwater asked me, smiling. "Yeah." I replied, still annoyed. "here's my address, we can study tonight" He said, handing me a piece of paper.

I knocked on the door to the house that Seth wrote down, sighing. Fuck my life. The door opened to reveal a tan girl with short hair. She was absolutely gorgeous. She froze briefly whilst looking at me, before smiling. "can I help you?" She asked, as I nervously tapped my fingers on my books. "Is Seth in?" I asked, surprised at how calm I was considering the hot girl who was in front of me. "yeah, he's upstairs. I'm his sister, Leah" She replied, before shouting Seth's name and letting me in. "thanks. I'm Y/N" I managed to say before I was dragged by an eager Seth. Jeez, who the hell is that eager to study English. Mind you, I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate much, knowing a cute girl was downstairs.

If you want anyone else doing don't be scared to ask! I beg for requests. I didnt do Paul because I already had the imagine for him! Much love!

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