Emmett imagine.

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I went to my friends party. There was alcohol. I got a bit drunk. That was the outline of the story. The full out story started with Emmett. That loveable little vampire. Well he was, but we got into a massive argument. A girl was flirting with him and he wasn't stopping her from touching him or anything. So, when we got back to his house the arguing started (luckily no-one was there). I eventually just stormed out. My friend picked me up and took me to the party I wasn't originally going to go to.

When we arrived at the party, I went straight for the drinks. I had shot after shot, glass after glass. Everyone else was having a good time. Eventually, I got up and danced, the alcohol was definitely playing a part in this. I ended up dancing with a random guy and we just started laughing at everything and anything.

I didn't want to leave but my friend thought that I was apparently 'too drunk'. So she took me home. Well atleast I thought she was taking me to my home but knew it wasn't mine when Emmett was in the doorway, of his own house, well his family's house but whatever. He made his way over to the car and that brings me to right now. Emmett opened up the car door and pulled me out. He said a thanks to my friend before putting his arms around my waist and guiding me to the door. "No, you don't get to touch me" I slurred trying to push him off me. I saw Edward walking past. "Edwarrddddd, can you please take me back to my home." He shared a look with Emmett before saying "oh sorry Y/N I have something I need to do" He then sped off.

Somehow I ended up in Emmett's bedroom. The alcohol was starting to wear off and I could think, see and speak clearly. "Emmett take me home" I demanded. He started walking towards me, so I backed up. But, there was a wall there. Fuck sake. He put an arm on each side of my head and smirked down at me. "I don't think I can do that" He finally replied. I was speechless, we'd never been in this position before. He saw my speechlessness and leant down to kiss me. It was a soft, loving kiss. "I'm sorry about earlier" He mumbled against my lips before kissing me again, more passionately. By now, I had my hands on his shirt holding him in place and his had moved so one was in my hair, playing with it, and the other on my waist. It was the perfect end to a not so perfect night.

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