Embry imagine.

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You know when you're walking along and someone bumps into you? Yeah? Well, that just happened. I was in school, La Push High, shithole if you ask me. Anyway, I was walking along minding my own business when bam, on the floor, right on my ass with my books flying everywhere. "For fuck sake! Watch where you're going!" I shouted to whoever knocked me over. I looked up and oh great, you know who knocked me over? Embry fucking Call. My ex best friend and ex crush. Well, not really ex crush because you just can't get over someone like that but hey ho. Me and Embry did everything together but then he missed loads of school and came back with short hair and followed Sam around like a lost fucking puppy. He hasn't spoken to me for a few months. My books were now safely in my bag, i'm surprised he even helped me pick them up. I stood up and tried to walk off without giving him a second glance but, obviously someone wasn't on my side today as he grabbed my wrist. He was hot. No, not in that way, his skin was absolutely boiling, did he have a temperature or something? "If you want to keep your arm then I suggest you fucking let go" I spat before looking up at his face. Big mistake. I got caught up in those eyes that first drew me in. Those fucking eyes. "Fuck" I heard Embry mutter. Damn right fuck. I'll slit your throat mate. "Are you done with holding my wrist because if you are, let go so I can punch you in the face." I know I sound mean, but he hurt me, all he put me through. "Y/N please, i'm sorry." His voice was deeper now, it was actually kinda hot. Oh god, don't get sucked back in Y/N, I thought to myself. "Sorry for what Embry? Sorry for leaving me? Sorry for breaking me?" I could feel the tears start to brim in my eyes. "I never meant to hurt you, it's just, well I can't really explain it." That was the final straw for me. I yanked my wrist out of his grip and walked off. I avoided him for the rest of the day.

I was now just lying in my bed, watching a movie. I picked a horror this time because well reasons. I had my window wide open because it was so hot in my room.

Halfway through the film, I heard sticks crunching outside and the next thing I knew Embry was standing in my room half naked. Most normal people would probably ask how the fuck he got through the window, but me? Well, I was still furious from early. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" I demanded, trying to keep my eyes away from his body. "I'm here to do this." He said before striding over to me and pulling me into a kiss. I was shocked but nevertheless I kissed back. In that one moment it seemed like I hadn't been mad at him. When we pulled away he said "this is why I had to stay away from you."
"What!?" I replied confused.
"Y/N i'm going to tell you something and you're not going to freak out okay?" I nodded and went straight into it. "I really liked you but when I phased I didn't think I could be around you, I didn't want to run the risk of hurting you. Then I imprinted on you this morning and I just knew that I wasn't going to let you get away."
"Phasing? Imprinting? Embry what are you on about."
He proceeded to tell me all about him and the wolves and all about imprinting. When he finished I could tell he was waiting for something. I broke out into a smile. "Well that's certainly better than you ditching me for three months for no reason." I said. He pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled my face into his neck and just breathed in his scent, the scent i'd missed so much.

Embry spent the night with me. We'd done this so many times before but this time we actually fell asleep, me with my arms tight around his waist and head on his chest, and him stroking my hair.

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