Alice Imagine.

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"Oh come on she's a leech."
"How long do you think it will take before she drains you."
"Imagine her next to you when you're sleeping at one of your "sleepovers" and boom next thing you know you're dead." That's the moment I snapped. "You know nothing about me or Alice. You're all clueless and absolute dumbasses. Me and Alice aren't just friends we've actually been dating for 2 months and this is exactly why I didn't tell you. You can't accept anyone." I got up and left the table, leaving a shocked Jacob, Paul and Jared. As soon as I left the res I saw Alice standing across the road, Edward in his Volvo just up the road. "I guessed you'd need a ride." I smiled at her, though my eyes didn't agree with my mouth as I let a couple of tears slip. She was next to me in a second, arms around me. The tears usually stopped when she did this, but they kept flowing, not because I'd given up the secret of our relationship, no, I wanted to tell everyone, in fact most people knew... but my friends... how could they be so unaccepting? Fuck a supernatural fued, does happiness mean nothing?

Alice's hand made its way back and forth through my hair as I laid next to her, not really paying attention to the episode of Riverdale she'd put on for us to watch. I knew she was watching me stare blankly at it, but she didn't budge me at all. "Hey, there's someone at the door for you." I assumed he meant Alice, so I just took her hand and let her lead me down the stairs. I stopped dead seeing Jacob, Paul and Jared... and a very pissed off Sam stood behind them, arms crossed. "They have something they'd like to say to you." Sam commented, giving me a small smile. "We're sorry... we were just trying to wind you up so you'd tell us... because we already knew..." Jacob muttered, scratching the back of his neck. "Also, I had 10 bucks on it." Jared added, earning a small slap to the back of the head from Sam, causing me to laugh. "Bunch of dumbasses." Alice let go of my hand as I was surrounded in a literal wolf hug. "But can you reconsider the girlfriend thing because you looked hot walking away." I looked up at Sam after Paul's comment and he nodded. "You're very disturbing." I muttered, this time he got a slap to the head, but from me. "We're also having a bonfire tonight and since we're all at a truce it wouldn't hurt if you made an appearance." Sam said, looking directly at Carlisle. "We'll make sure to be there." Forks and La Push were full of some weird people... but you know what, they're my weird people.

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