Jasper imagine.

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Omfg it's been ages, i'm really sorry. I've had exams and all that other bullshit you get at high school.

On my own today. No-one to hang out with. My boyfriend, Jasper, is spending a day with his family and my friends are doing god knows what.
Today is one of the only days where I actually want to do something. An idea popped into my head. The forest. I could have a long walk, on my own, no noise, just nature.
I've got my jacket around my waist and my phone in my bra (what? i don't want it to go anywhere!). Now I can set off.
I found the footpath first then just walked around, anywhere. Just hearing the birds sing and seeing the trees move in the slight breeze.
I was walking through a narrow path when I heard something, my curiosity got the better of me so I hurried to the corner and was shocked, angry, weirded out, confused, scared and many more emotions. I could see my boyfriend with his teeth, more like fangs, in a helpless deer. I was too scared too say or do anything so I just started slowly walking backwards, but my foot landed on a twig with a "snap". Jaspers head snapped up. He quickly took his teeth out of the deer. "Y/N" I heard him whisper. The shock, hurt, scaredness inside of me was at full speed. "i'm dreaming, i'm dreaming, please lord tell me i'm dreaming". Jasper started to approach me. "Don't be scared, please." He looked hurt at the fact that i'm scared. "Y-you're a vampire?"
"I didn't want you to find out this way." He still adavanced towards me. "Please, just don't come near me" my voice was barely a whisper, but he still heard it. The pieces all clicked together now. He's impossibly cold, can sense my emotions and speeds like a madman. What if he tries to kill me? what if he tries to hurt me? "please don't be scared. I would never hurt you. I love you." After those words I seemed to calm down. He approached me again and I let him. He put his arms around my waist and I put my head on his chest. "C'mon let's get you home." for me that was the first day of the rest of my life.

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