"I'll be back," I slide out my car that he was driving. He nods and pulls his phone out as I slowly walk to the front door. I notice Summer and my moms car here so I just walk in.
"April Emery!" my mom shouts as soon as I go inside. It was quiet warm outside but it was freezing in here. I roll my eyes and slam the door closed and speed walk to the stairs. "Don't you think about going upstairs!"
I freeze and turn around. I meet eyes with her. "What?" I yell.
"Are you serious? You have been missing all night and half of the day!"
"I was with Louis!" I throw my hand out.
"I don't want you near him!"
"Well I don't care!" I shout back. "What did Zayn tell you?"
"Zayn said he was a little shit who's using you, like he did on the trip, and I don't know how I didn't pick up on it but you snuck him in one time didn't you!"
"Yep, and what are you gonna do about it now?"
"Watch your mouth young lady," she points.
I roll my eyes. "I'm going out,"
"No you're not, you're not allowed to see him anymore!"
"I bet you wished you had put me in birth control now," I smirk, probably making things bad for myself but I don't care.
Her face falls. "Cause we had it unprotected," I lie.
"What did you just say?" she now whispers.
I roll my eyes and go up stairs, my mom probably to shocked to speak. "Oh my god April!" Summer open the door.
"What is that?" she grab my jaw and turns it before rubbing her finger over the red hickey. I push her hands away and walk to my room. "I spent ages looking for last night and Zayn said you were with Louis!"
She follows me in my room. I open my drawer and pick out my lilac bikini that have a bit of a cheeky coverage that I know Louis will like. "Can you get out?"
"Where are you going?" she asks.
"I have two days with Louis before he goes to Boston and then I have another few days after him, then you can yell at me!" I shout in anger from getting yelled at more than once.
"He's going to Boston?"
"Yes, and he's my boyfriend now so I don't care what you guys heard Zayn say because he's changed, like a lot and I'm in love with him!"
Her eyes widen.
"You're in love with him?" she whispers.
"Yes!" my voice cracks. "I do, okay!"
She stares at me. "And he's going to be miles away from me so we'll have to be a long distance relationship so can you please both just let me be with him? I've already left Zayn out of choice because he won't accept it," my voice cracks.
"You shared a cabin with him and had sex with him on the trip," she says.
"I know, I regretted it for a while but I don't anymore because I love him and I have to be with him until he goes to Boston,"
"But you're going to NYU-"
"It's a 5 and a half train ride," I swallow. "I looked this all up because I wanted to see him in the small breaks we get, but if I come here with you guys then I won't see him much," a tear rolls down my cheek.
"How can I believe you?"
"I made love with him last night," I blurt out, her eyebrows raising and her eye widening.
"You what?"
"I'm happy with him, we both trust each other," I wipe my eye. "I have to go because he's waiting for me,"
"Making love...that slow and usually done unprotected..."
I look at her.
"Do not tell me you didn't use a condom,"
"I didn't use a condom, thats what shut mom up," I decide to get dresses with her looking.
"Ho- April," she whines. "I swear if you get pregnant off this guy-"
"I took the pill, chill," I slide a pair of jean shorts up my legs.
"Not even I've had unprotected sex, so how has my baby sister done it? and smart enough to take the pill?"
"I know how a baby is made and I know how to prevent a unwanted pregnancy, I'm not that dumb,"
"You said you made love, is that were you went yesterday?"
"Yes," I clip my bikini top. "I've got to go but we can talk later," I grab a bag and walk around my room. I grab some new underwear and bralettes, a nice top, leggings and I'll just use Louis clothes. I slide my converses on and loosely tie them up.
"Can you please be safe with this guy? I've heard bad things about him and I don't want you to get hurt,"
I walk over to my drawer and pull out the gold box of condoms and put them in my bag too. "Holy shit, how big is that guys dick?"
"I appreciate that but I'm gonna be fine," I sigh as she steps out the way. I grab my phone charger and put that in my bag as well, going downstairs. "Abs that's a bit strange,"
"You have the gold box of quality condoms, they're a large,"
"Yeah and?"
"Ryan only uses the silver,"
"And Louis uses the gold," I shrug, refusing to tell her the size of him. "Take a hint that I'm not telling you my boyfriends size," I close my door.
"I'll be back on Monday," I sigh and go down stairs, my mom was pacing.
"Where do you think you're going?" she crosses her arms.
"Out, and I'm staying with Louis,"
"No you're not," she stands in front of me.
"Please can you move?" I huff.
"No," she shakes her head. "God knows what that guy has done to you!" she shouts. "Do you know the consequences for that!"
"Of course I so, we're safe every other time but we weren't last night!"
"Because I love him!" I shout. "And I want to be with him but can't at the moment because he's going to Boston in 2 days!" my heart starts to race. "So just let me be with him,"
"You're not going anywhere dressed like that,"
"Oh yeah?" I fake a smile, furrowing my brows. I step past her and go to the door.
"April Emery don't you even think about walking out that door!"
I open it, step out and close the door, walking over to the car. I open the door and get in. "Hey," I breathe out as I put my seatbelt on.
"Hey," he puts his phone in the cup holder. "Uhh, is that your mom?"
I then my head to see her walking out the house. "Yep. I reckon you should drive now," I nod. He starts the car.
I roll down the window. "I love you!" I shout to her, blowing a kiss. She stares at me blankly, as I roll it back up. "Fucking bitch," I sigh.
"I love this," he points to my low cut bikini top.
"I thought you would," I smirk. His hand goes back on my thigh as I pull out my phone, pressing bluetooth on the radio. It connects so I play Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? by the Arctic Monkeys.
I hum to the music as he again, taps his finger to the beat. I smile as he now hums the lyrics, as we drive to the beach. I haven't been to the beach in a while so it would be nice to get out.

the cabin || l.t✔
Fanfiction[COMPLETE] "And last but not least, Louis and April, you'll be partners on this trip." April Rose and Louis Tomlinson despise each other, but what happens when they are partners on a school camping trip for a week and are forced to share a cabin?