Part 7

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At 6pm :

Dixies pov:
Everything is ready . Noah  changed to his pajamas and he is laying on the bed. I went to the bathroom and put my pajamas on. And this is how he recited

N: baby you look so hot in this , but yk the boys will be here too
D: but they have girlfriends
N: ik , but I don't feel comfortable with you wearing this in front of the boys . You can wear it when we're alone
D: but babeee . All the girls are going to wear the same thing . I wanna match with them
N: Dixie....
D: pleaseeeeee(🥺)
N: fine
D: thank youuuu ( kisses his cheek)
N: your welcome

Then we heard a knock on the door

N: I'll get it

Noah opend the door and all of them were here

N/D: hey guys
Everyone: hiiiii

We hugged Then I gave them their pajamas they changed then sits on the couch

Bryce: so what's for dinner?
D: omg Bryce (laughs) you always think about your stomach?
Bryce: well I'm hungry
N: we ordered pizza
Addi : when it's coming?
D:maybe in 30 minutes
Blake: let's play truth or dare
Everyone: ok
Charli: I'm gonna start. Dixie truth or dare?
D: truth
Charli: are you and Noah and dating?
D: yes . He asked me yesterday (smiles and looks at Noah)
N: ( smiles and puts his arm around her waist)
Addi : omg congressional guys
Doah: thank you addi
D: ok Bryce , truth or dare
Bryce: truth
D: are you and Riley are dating?
Bryce : no . She told me she fond someone better than me
Addi: awww it's ok (hugs him)

Everyone starts looking at each other

Addi: oh cmon guys

We played more rounds then the pizza arrived

D: I'll get it ( about to get up)
N: oh hell your not ( gently pushes her down )
You not going to go like that . I'll get it (goes and get the pizza)
D: you're so overprotective
N: no I'm not . I just don't like when other men see you like that
The boys : what about us ?
N: well I trust you guys. So don't do anything ( death stars them)
Blake: omg Noah . We have girlfriends
N: ik . I'm just saying
D: oh god ...

They finished eating

Charli : now let's watch a movie!!
D: yes !! I'll get the popcorn (runs to the kitchen)
N:( goes after her )
Addi: what's wrong with noah?
Bryce: yeah he's been acting weird
Ame : I think he's just scared. This is his first girlfriend , and he don't want to loose her .
Blake: how do you know that?
Ame : I study body language and stuff. So I know
Chase : yeah. I understand him . That happened to me when I first started dating char
Char: aww

In the kitchen with Doah

D:( put the popcorn in the microwave and goes to Noah and hugs him) what's wrong ?
N:( acts normal and hugs her back) umm nothing
D: Noah ( puts her hand on his cheek) I know you since I was 5 , please tell me
N: I'm just scared . This is my first relationship and I don't want to be heartbroken, like yeah I trust you but what if you found someone better then me ? What if you get bored of me ? What if-
D: Noah , baby boy. I will never find someone better than you. And I'll never leave you. Noah you're literally my life. I love you with all my heart. You are the loml . Even if I want to leave you , I can't. Please don't ever say that ok ?
N: Ilysm ( hugs her)
D: ily way more baby ( rubs his back)

Tey hugged tell the microwave start beeping

D: ( puls back and puts the popcorn in 4 bowls ) let's go back

They went to the living room

D: here ( gives every couple a bowl )
Everyone: thank you
D: your welcome ( sits on the couch)
N:( goes to her and cuddles her "he's laying on his stomach between her legs with his his head on her stomach" )
D:( smiles and plays with his hair)
N:( falls asleep)
Blake: what's up with him ?
D: he's just scared and anxious
Ame : poor boy
Chase : yeah I feel bad
Charli : dw dix he's so strong
D: ik ( smiles)

We watched a movie then everyone went to their rooms . Chase slept with Charli , Addison , Bryce , Blake and Amelie went to the guest rooms . Then I took Noah to my room. Then I went downstairs and start cleaning. After cleaning, I got hungry so I ate some toast with cheese. While I was eating Noah woke up

N: dix ?
D: hey, what are you doing?
N: I couldn't sleep without you
D: awww . I'll be up I'm a minute
N: ok (goes back to bed)

I finished my sandwich then brushed my teeth and hair then fell a sleep , what a good time.

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