Part 122

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Dixie's pov:
I woke up in the hospital bed at 12:30 , I tried to move but my body was sore . I stayed on the same position then I tried to wake Noah up.

D: b-baby
N: (still sleeping)
D: b-bu- ahhh omg my back !
N: ( wakes up ) baby what's wrong ? ( helps her)
D: NO MY BACK ! ( punch's his arm)
N: okay I'm sorry what do you want me to do ?
D: c-call the nurse
N: okay ( press on the button beside the bed)
Tn: is everything okay?
N: no , her body is hurting her and I don't know what to do
Td: okay ( goes to the bed ) give me your hand Dixie
D: I-I can't , it h-hurts so bad
Tn: okay , this is completely normal . We just opened your stomach and it's okay . I'll help you as much as I can to put you in the best position.

The nurse helped me and I thanked him , he got out of the room and I looked at Noah . Why does he look so mad ?

D: y-you okay ?
N: mhm
D: are y-you mad ?
N: no
D: stop lying. I-I know you are
N: okay I'm jealous!
D: w-why ?
N: he had his hand on your waist . It was annoying me
D: ( laughs) I-it's okay bubs , it's his job
N: I know but still
D: okay ( laughs) can you please tell the nurse to bring the baby?
N: sure ( presses on the baby's button)
Tn: ( comes after 10 minutes with the baby's bed then leave )
N: ( picks him up ) hey baby ( smiles and kisses his head)
D: c-can you give him to me ?
N: okay ( lays him on her chest)
D: no no-
N: oh im sorry I forgot ( picks him up a little bit his still near Dixie's chest)
D: h-hi baby ( kisses his cheek)
N: ( sits on the couch with the baby in his chest ) so this is Owen ( smiles)
D: yeah ( smiles ) Owen Grayson beck. Our first baby
N: mhm ( looks at Owen ) he has your eyes ( laughs)
D: and your nose
N: yeah kinda . Hes so handsome
D: he is ( smiles) just like his father
N: ( smiles )
Ow: ( starts crying)
N: I think someone wants mommy ( gives him to Dixie )
D: ( starts feeding him)
Ow: ( eating )
D: ( whines)
N: you okay bub ?
D: yeah , it's hurt a little but it's okay
N: should I call the doctor?
D: no no I'm fine baby . Maybe because it's my first time
N: yeah maybe.
Br: ( runs in ) where's my boy ?
N: Bryce ! ( covers Dixie )
Br: omg I'm so sorry I didn't know ( looks away )
D: you can see now.
Addi: where's he ??
Ol: b-bebi
N: guys chill he's eating now
Addi/Br: ( sits on the couches)
Ol: bebi ? "She's 1 year old btw"
Addi: he's eating now . Don't worry you'll see him soon .
Ol: I wanna a bebi mummy
Addi: okay baby be patient.
Ow: ( finishes eating and immediately falls asleep )
D: he's done !
Ol: ( runs to Dixie's bed ) I wanna bebi
D: I'll give him to uncle Noah then you can see him . Noah bubs can you please take him ?
N: sure baby ( takes him from her) hi buddy ( kisses his head then sits on the couch)
Ol: ( sits next to Noah ) I wanna bebi
N: ( puts Owen on her lap but he's still holding him )
Ol: hi bebi ( kisses his cheek) i wove you
D: aww she's so sweet
Addi: she is , so what's his name ?
D: Owen Grayson beck
Br: omg I love it . He's gonna have the best parents ever
C: ( comes with Finn and blamelie) hey guys , sorry we're late .
Bl: where's he ?
Ame: I wanna see him
F: I want my cousin ( runs to Noah ) omg ! He's so tiny
C: ( looks) he's so adorable, can I hold him?
N: sure ( gives him to char )
C: omg he's so cute
Ame: ( looks at him ) he lol so much like you dix
D: ( laughs) yeah but he has Noah's nose
Bl: yeah you're right.
Tn: can I please take him ?
D: sure , char please pug him on the bed
C: ( puts him on his bed ?
Tn: thanks ( gets out with Owens bed )
Ame: he's literally so adorable
Addi: he is
F: ( sits on Noah's lap) hi
N: hey buddy
F: ( lays his head on his chest and holds his hand )
N: ( kisses his head and continues talking with Bryce and Blake)
Ame: ( whispers to dix ) you're so lucky omg , I'm jealous ( laughs)
D: ( laughs) I am , bug hey ! Blake is good too
Ame: I know ( smiles)
C: what's his name ?
D: Owen Grayson beck
Ame/C: aww it's so cute !
Addi: who chose it ?
D: I think Noah , idk know I don't remember
C: but it's so cute
D: mhm

We continued talking and our parents also came and saw Owen . Then at 8 pm. The doctor said that visiting time is done . They all went home and we sat alone in the room . Then the nurse came in with my food and Noah went to the cafeteria to get food for himself. After we finished eating. Then nurse came with Owen because he needed me to feed him .

Tn: ( gives him to her ) we tried to feed him wit the bottle but he doesn't want to. So we brought him here
D: ( feeding him ) okay thank you .
Tn: you're welcome, and the doctor said you can go home by tomorrow morning or noon . ( leave )
N: I'm so excited to live with our baby boy
D: me too ( looks at Owen and rubs his head )
Owen: ( slowly opens his eyes and looks at her)
D: hi baby . Noah come here he opened his eyes
N: ( rush's to the bed) Hi buddy
Ow: ( keeps looking at them )
D: if you don't know us , we are your parents
N: yeah , I'm Noah and this is Dixie . But you will call us mommy and daddy
D: ( laughs) this is dumb
N: ( laughs) I know . Can I carry him please ?
D: you don't have to ask me , it's your son too
N: okay ( picks him up and hugs him ) he smells so good
D: it reminds me of charli's smell when she was a baby
N: ( sits on the couch)
Ow: ( looking at him )
N: ( puts his thumb on his cheek) you're so cute

Then the nurse came and took Owen and we fell asleep

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