Part 31

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Dixie's pov:
I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing, it was my baby boy. Noah . I answered and I was shocked

Random woman-rw

Rw: I don't know-
Rw: listen to me !! I don't know you or your boyfriend but this guy is in a car accident and this is his phone. I called the ambulance and they are on their way here
D: w-what ?
Rw: im so sorry but this is the truth
D: where did the accident happened?!
Rw: in ********* street
D: o-ok im coming

In this moment I was bawling my eyes out. I can't loose him again, I can't live without him. I put on some clothes, I didn't went to the bathroom because all I was thinking about is Noah . I called Blake then went to the street where the accident happened. I saw the ambulance putting Noah on the bed . There was blood all over his body . I ran to him and held his hand

D: baby please don't leave me
Then nurse: miss please back up we need to take him to the hospital.
D: I'm coming with you
The nurse: ok

I got in the car and held his hand. I kept kissing it . Then Blake called me

Bl: dix are you ok
D: no Blake I want Noah
Bl: where are you ?!
D: in the ambulance
Bl: ok I'll be in the hospital
D: ok please be safe I don't want to loose another person
Bl: I'll be fine

I hanged up and saw the nurse putting some stuff on him . My heart fell in my stomach, I can't see him like that . We arrived at the hospital and they took Noah to the surgery room . I saw Blake and hugged him

D: I can't loose him Blake
Bl:( crying) me too dix
D: did you call the rest ?
Bl: yes they are coming soon

We sat in the waiting area for 10 minutes then they came

Br: where is he ?
Ame :( hugs Blake crying)
D: he's in the surgery room
Add: he's going to be fine
D: ( looking at blamelei hugging and remembers her and Noah ) I can't handle it addi ( hugs her)
Addi: look at me dix
D:( looks at her)
Addi : Noah is a strong guy . I know and I'm sure he's going to be ok . We just have to wait
D: o-ok
Bl: addi take Dixie to her apartment and let her change her clothes , she's in her pajamas
D: no! I want to be here when Noah wake up
Ame: dix it just a few minutes.
Bl: if he woke up we'll call you
D: promise?
Bl: I promise
Addi: cmon dix

We went to my apartment and I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. Then put my hair in a messy bun . When I look in the mirror, I remember when Noah always hugs me from behind and kisses my neck . I couldn't do this but I cried

Addi:( goes in her room ) dix are you read- oh dix come here ( hugs her ) he's ok dw
D: no he's not-
Addi: yes he is !! Bryce texted me and said he's out of surgery and he might wake up today evening or tomorrow morning
D: really?!
Addi: yes now cmon- oh and chase and Charli are there
D: ok now let's go

We went back to the hospital and I ran to Noah's room . When I saw him , I felt like my heart was cracking in a million pieces. He was attached to a lot of medical devices. I ran to his bed and gave him a hug. He was still sleeping but I kissed him. He looks so hurt .

The doctor: sorry to ruin the moment but can you please get out ? I need to do some tests
Everyone: ( gets out)
D: can I stay here with him ?
The doctor: no please get out
D:(kisses him) I love you baby (gets out )

The doctor and the nurse did some tests then the doctor came out

The doctor: ok so he has a broken arm and his lungs aren't doing well. So he need to have a steam mask every day when he wakes up.
D: he loves soccer so it won't effect on his lungs right?
The doctor: no it won't
D: thank god
Bl: that's it?
The doctor: yes
Addi : thank you doc
The doctor : that's my job
The nurse: (comes out of Noahs room )Noah woke up
D:(about to run in )
The nurse: only one person can go in
D: I'll go first (runs in) hey baby (kisses him)
N: h-hey (can't really talk)
D: it's ok you don't have to speak
N: (weakly smiles)
D: you scared me to death (laughs a little)
N: I-I so-rry
D: don't be sorry it was an accident
N: (remembers the note ) n-o it was-n't
D: huh ?
N: I-it w-asn-t an acci-dent
D: baby it's a normal accident, their is nothing to worry about
N: n-no dix . When I was getting in my car this morning, I saw a note says "I'm going to kill you Noah , remember that "
D: so you think someone did it on purpose?
D: omg , the police are going to be here in a little. Tells them everything you know ok ?
N: I know how was trying to kill me
D: how baby ?
N: griffin
D: w-what
N: when I was going back home I saw a car trying to reach to my car , it was griffins car . And the guy was in there is griffin. He wants to kill me so he can have you back.
D: omg I'm so sorry (cries) this is all my fault
N: n-
The police officer: ma'am can you get out of here? We need to talk to Noah
D: ok (looks at Noah ) don't hide anything baby , be brave and tell them like you told me
N:( nods his head)
D: (kisses his forehead and gets out )

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