Part 117

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Noah's pov:
I woke up in the middle of the night because I was hungry. I dot up from the bed and went to the kitchen, I saw so leftover food from yesterday so I put it in a plate and heated it up in the microwave. Then when it done , I took it and went to the dining room and ate . Then after I finished my food , I pig the plate in the sink and went to the living room. I sat there for about 20 minutes then Dixie came down .

D: bubs ?
N: gm baby
D: ( sits on his lap) what are you doing in the middle of the night?
N: I woke up because I was hungry
D: did you ate ?
N: mhm I did
D: good ( lays her head on his chest )
N: ( kisses her head ) what made you wake up ?
D: ( looks at him ) I was cold because you weren't there cuddling me ( giggles)
N: ( smiles ) wanna go and cuddle now ?
D: mhm , but you have to carry me
N: I will ( carry's her to there room and sits on the bed )
D: ( goes to her side of the bed and lays down )
N: ummmm don't you want to cuddle ?
D: not anymore ( goes on her phone )
N: umm okay ( lays down and puts his head on her shoulder)
D: ( push's him ) Don't lay on my shoulder
N: umm why ?
D: ( looks at him ) your head is so heavy ( looks back at her phone )
N: ( sighs ) okay ( goes to his side of the bed) gn baby
D: gn
N: ( looks at her) no gn kiss ?
D: no
N: ok , can I at least hold your hand ?
D: no Noah , shut up please
N: ( turns his back to her )
D: oh please don't act like a baby , ugh you're so cringe
N: ( looks at her) don't talk to me like that
D: and what if I did ? ( looks at him)
N: you'll regret it
D: yeah sure , you always say that and never do anything
N: because you're pregnant and I don't wanna hurt our baby boy
D: and what if I was not pregnant?
N: you'll wish you were never born
D: mhm sure ( goes back at her phone )
N: ( sighs and lays down to fall asleep)
D: ( thinks that he's sleeping and call someone )'re outside ?... okay I'll be out now... bye ( hangs up and goes outside )
N: ( sits up and takes her phone and unlocks it and sees who she was calling ) wtf ? ( sees someone called "my love 💘🥺" ) who's that ? ( goes to the balcony and looks at Dixie talking to a guy ) t-this is c-can't b-be real

Dixie's pov:
I don't know what made me do this but I'm cheating on Noah with griffin, yes I know he's my ex and he tried to kill Noah but now he's out of jail and I think I still have feeling for him . He started texting me last week and he said that he's sorry , and everyone deserve an another chance. I didn't want to tell Noah because I think he's going to be mad at me . Now me and griffin and talking by the door because we can't go anywhere alone .

G: ( looks at her) I missed you so much ( puts his hand on her cheek)
D: ( smiles and kisses his hand ) I missed you more
G: c-can I have a hug ?
D: mhm ( smiles and hugs him )
G: ( hugs her ) I really miss you dix , I really do .
D: I do too ( pulls away and kisses him )

Noah's pov:
GRIFFIN!! Out of all the the guys in the world , she choose him !! She cheated on me with her ex who used to treat her like shit ! I saw them hugging and I was so mad . Then Dixie pulled away and kisses him . No , this is not Dixie that I know . She's pregnant with my child- wait , maybe it not my child, maybe it's griffins child !! Oh no no no . I can't believe that !

Dixie's pov:

G: now what are we going to do with Noah ?
D: I don't know , I'm literally pregnant with his baby .
G: you should think about it dix .
D: wait I know what I'm going to do . I'll get a divorce and live with you , and when the baby is here , I'll tell him that you're his father
G: no Dixie , I know that you wanna live with me but not like that. This baby have to know his real father .
D: ( puts her head on his chest)
G: ( rubs her back ) now go inside and I'll see you later
D: ( looks at him ) when ?
G: whenever you want
D: ( smiles ) okay ( kisses him ) gn griff
G: gn dix

I'm so happy right now. Griffin is so amazing and kind . But I don't know about Noah , what am I supposed to do with him ? Ugh that Noah ! I went back inside and started heading to our room .

Noah's pov:
I couldn't hear what they said but it hurt to see my wife cheating on me . What should I do ? I love her with all my heart and she did that to me , how could she? I saw her coming back inside so I quickly closed the balcony and laid back on the bed.

D: ( enters the room and lays on the bed )
N: wanna cuddle?
D: n- ( thinks : if I said no he's gonna think that I'm cheating on him, ugh I really don't want to cuddle him) yeah okay ( lays her head on his chest)
N: ( wraps his arms around her)
D: ( really uncomfortable . Thinks : I wish that I'm cuddling griffin right now, instead of that disgusting animal )
N: ( thinks : I should enjoy the moment right now, maybe this is going to be out last cuddle ) ( plays with her hair) baby
D: hm ?
N: do you wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?
D: I'm sorry I can't, I'm going out with the girls
N: ( thinks : what a liar ) umm okay , we can go to Malibu at 8 or 9 pm, like we used to do
D: no I'm still going to be busy.
N: not even in the morning?
D: ( sits up and look at him ) don't you understand?! I don't wanna go anywhere with you ! ( lays on her side of the bed) and don't ask for cuddles ( closes her eyes )
N: ( cries a little then falls asleep)

Dixie's pov:
I miss griffin. I want him . I can imagine us living in a little house cuddling together . I wanna be in his arms . It's okay , I'm gonna see him tomorrow.

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