Part 135

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Few hours later

Dixie's pov:
Noah's sleeping on my chest and Owen is playing with dodo next to me . Then I got a call from char.

D: hey char
C: dix you can't believe what happened !!!
D: what ?
C: Daniel asked me on a date !!!!
D: oh really !! I'm so happy for you !
C: thank you , but can you help me get ready ?
D: can you ask Ame or addi ?
C: I did but they're so busy , please can you ?
D: ( sighs) okay
C: thanks ! And can you also watch Finn please ?
D: okay , when at you coming over ?
C: at 6:30
D: ok bye
C: bye sis ( hangs up)

I finished the call and went on my phone then after 10 minutes Noah woke up .

D: gm baby , how do you feel ?
N: gm , I kinda feel better
D: that's good . Char called me and she said she's going on a date with Daniel and she wants us to watch Finn .
N: okay ( sits up and looks at Owen ) hi bud ( picks him up and puts him on his lap ) I missed you ( kisses his cheek).
Ow: ( looks at Noah and smiles )
N: ( hugs him ) I love you
Ow: ( caresses Noah's cheeks )
N: ( laughs and kisses Owens head then gets a call from Bryce ) oh it's Bryce ( answers) hey Bryce
Br: hey bro , me and Blake wanna go to the Bahamas on Monday (it's Friday),and we are staying there for a week . wanna come with us ?
N: what about the girls ?
Br: no it's a boys trip , no girls .
N: okay wait let me ask Dixie ( puts the phone down ) baby Bryce and Blake are going to the Bahamas , can I go with them ?
D: how long are y'all staying there ?
N: a week
D: yeah of course, go have fun baby
N: ( smiles at her and puts the phone back on his ear ) she said yes
Br: okay , I'll book a ticket for you
N: okay thanks bro
Br: you're welcome. Bye ( hangs up)
N: bye ( puts his phone on the charger) This is gonna be fun !
D: ( smiles )
Ow: ( starts kicking Noah )
N: ow Owen why are you doing that ??
Ow: ( hugs him )
N: ( hugs back ) Owen you okay ?
D: I think he's mad because you're gonna leave him ( laughs)
N: ( kisses his head ) dw it's just a week . Babe I'm gonna go and pack my clothes. ( puts Owen on the bed and goes to his closet)
D: ( puts Owen on her lap ) so we're gonna be alone for a whole week . ( kisses his head ) just me and you
Ow: ( grabs dodo and starts playing with it )
D: you really love dodo don't you ?
Ow: ( looks at her and puts dodo in her face )
D: wow ( puts dodo down ) can you say dodo ? Do do
Ow: ( trying to say it )
D: cmon buddy , do do .
Ow: do...
N: ( comes running ) is everything okay?
D: come here ! He's about to say dodo
N: ( sits next yo her ) say it bud
D: do do
Ow: du-ddo
D: yeah say it !!
Ow: dodo
D: omg yes !!  ( hugs him) you did it baby !!
N: good job buddy !! You said your first wor- dix are you crying babe ?
D: ( crying ) when did he grow up ? My baby's getting big so fast
N: aw dix ( laughs and hugs her) it's okay
Ow: ( wipes her tears)
D: omg ! ( cries more )
Ow: ( starts crying too )
N: ( picks him up ) Owen why are you crying ? Mommy's fine , she's crying because you said your first word . Don't cry ( wipes his tears)
D: ( lays her head on his lap)
N: babe don't fall asleep
D: no I'm just going to rest my head
N: okay
D: ( puts his hand on her head to stroke it )
N: ( strokes her hair and goes on his phone )
Ow: ( looking at Noah's phone )
D: ( accidentally falls asleep)

Four hours later. 6:30 pm

Noah's pov:
Dixie and Owen are both sleeping on me . My butt really hurts and I wanna move but I don't wanna wake them up . Dixie phone started ringing , it was char so I answered.

N: hey char
C: hey Noah , where's Dixie ?
N: sleeping
C: sleeping ??! I told her I'm coming over now ! I'm outside !
N: okay I'll tell Jenna to open the door for you while I wake her up
C: okay okay ( hangs up)
N: ( texted Jenna then starts rubbing Dixie's shoulder ) hunny , wake up.
D: ( awake but keeping her eyes closed )
N: ( kisses her ) wake up , char's here
D: ( opens her eyes ) can you help her ? She's going out with Daniel and I'm so tired.
N: cmon baby you need to wake up
D: fine ( gets up and shouts from the stairs ) CHAR COME HERE !!
C: ( goes upstairs to Dixie ) hey dix
F: hi auntie Dixie
D: hey bud and char , come in
C: ( goes in the room ) hey Noah
N: hey
F: hi uncle Noah ( claims on the bed and sits next to Noah )
N: hey bestie
D: babe me and char will be in my closet if you need anything ( goes to her closet with char )
F: ( takes his iPad out of his bag then lays on Noah's lap and starts playing with his iPad )

Dixie's pov:

D: ( looking through her clothes) I have few options for you and you choose okay ?
C: okay .
D: ( puts three outfits in front of her)

The outfits :

The outfits :

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C: umm I like these shorts , but I also like the dress

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C: umm I like these shorts , but I also like the dress . What do you think ?
D: pink shorts, I think it's attractive
C: okay , what about my hair and makeup?
D: let's do them now
C: ( sits on the chair in front of the mirror)
D: ( starts doing her hair )

I finished doing chars hair and makeup and she's look so pretty. I got out so she can change her clothes. After she's done , I went in and looked at her . I'm so jealous!!

D: char you look so beautiful!!
C: thank you dix !
D: let's show Noah ( goes with char to Noah ) what do you think babe ?
N: wow char , you're so pretty
C: thank you
F: omggggg mommy you look amazing! Daniel is so lucky !
C: ( laughs) thanks baby
N: when is he going to pick you up ?
C: umm , it's 7:45 so he'll be here so- ( gets a text from him ) guys he's outside please pray for me I'm so scared bye !! ( goes to Daniel)

Hi everyone! The next chapter will be about the date so if you faint wanna read it skip it . Ilya 💘

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