Part 150

311 7 4

Noah's pov :

N: ( parks ) we're here
Ol/No: ( sleeping )
N: Owen , take your sisters bag and Finn take olis bag please .
Ow/F: okay ( takes the bags and goes inside)
N: ( picks them up and goes inside)
D: hey guys . What took you so long ?
N: I'll tell you later . Owen cmon let's change your clothes.
Ow: okay daddy ( goes with Noah )
C: ( plays with Finn's hair ) how's school ?
F: good . I'm the caption of the soccer team !
C: really ? That's amazing! I'm proud of you
F: ( smiles )
D: did something happened at school ?
F: yes
D: what happened?!
F: you can ask Owen
D: ( runs upstairs to owens room )
Ow: ( changing his clothes with a help from Noah )
D: baby ? Did something happen at school?
Ow: ( looks at Noah)
N: cmon buddy , tell her
Ow: p-piper
D: what did she so ?
Ow: ( turns his arm to her )
D: ( sees the bruise) omg baby ! ( hugs him ) I'm so sorry . ( kisses his head ) does it hurt?
Ow: mhm
N: dw , I talked to the principal
D: good , cmon let's put some ice on it
Ow: no no no ! It's gonna hurt me more !
D: but it's gonna make it better
Ow: no mommy please
N: cmon baby
Ow: ( starts crying) no please ! I'll do everything!
D: ( hugs him ) please don't say that . It breaks my heart to see you like that
N: I'm just gonna put a cream on it , okay ?
Ow: no daddy !
D: you can squeeze mommy's hand while he puts it on you
Ow: but it's gonna hurt
D: no it's not . You'll be fine , cmon
N: ( goes to the kitchen and grabs a ice cube)
D: ( puts Owen in the counter)
Ow: ( holds her hand )
N: ( puts the ice on it )
Ow: ( starts sobbing ) OOOOWWWW !!!
Everyone: ( runs to the kitchen)
Bl: what happened?
D: shhhhhh ( hugs him )
D: I know bubba
N: ( wraps the ice to his arm ) it's gonna melt soon
C: can someone tell me what's going on?!
N: he got a bruise from schools
Da: ( walks over Owen and sees the bruise) does it hurt?
Ow: mhm
Da: ( takes of the wrap ) this is awful , you should put a cream on it
N: okay ( grabs a cream and gives it to him )
Da: I'm gonna gently rub it on you, okay ?
Ow: okay
Da: ( rubs it on his arm )
Ow: ( cries harder )
D: be strong baby
Da: aaannnnnddddd done !
N: now you're okay , no need to cry
Ow: mhm
D: I love you
Ow: love you more mommy
No: ( walks downstairs and hugs Noah )
N: ( picks her up ) gm baby girl
No: gm dada
D: gm baby
No: gm mama
Ame: ( her stomach starts making sounds ) I'm sorry I'm so hungry ( laughs )
D: ( laughs) im gonna tell Jenna to put the lunch , it's 1 pm
No: ( Puts her hand on his cheek ) you hab a nice cheek dada ( laughs and rubs it )
C: she's just like her mom
N: she is , I'm gonna change her clothes ( goes to her room ) go pick your outfit
No: ( looks through her clothes) I want dis one
N: okay ( changes her clothes)
No: mmmmm dis is comfy ( giggles)
N: ( hugs her and kisses her cheek ) cmon let's go downstairs and eat lunch ( picks her up and goes downstairs)
No: mama ( runs to her )
D: ( puts her on her lap )
Ow: this is my mommy !
No: no ! She's mine !
D: guys stop it ! It's okay
Da: ( gets a call and answers) hi...oh okay...yeah sure... thank you ( hangs up) guys sorry we need to go , we have some ikea workers and we need to go , bye
C: bye guys ( leave with Daniel and Finn )
Ol: (walks downstairs)
N: hi oli ( puts her next to him on the couch)
Ol: hi
D: Owen , Nova babies can y'all go to the backyard or your rooms please ?
No/Ow: okay ( goes to the backyard)
N: oli we wanna talk to you about something
Ol: um okay
D: since your parents are not here now . Where do you wanna live ? Here or with uncle blake and auntie Ame?
Ol: um idk .
D: please think about it
Ol: ummmmm here ! I wanna stay here with Owen and nova !
Ame: good choice
Bl: ( gets sad because he really wanted to adopt her)
N: you okay bro ?
Bl: mhm I'm good
J: ma'am lunch's ready
D: okay thank you , and please clean the room next to novas room .
J: okay ( walks away )
D: cmon guys . Noah can't you bring the kids from outside ?
N: sure

We all sat in the dining room and ate .

Hi everyone ! I wanna thank MlbFanArt_1 for giving me so much ideas . Thank you soooo much bestie 💞💞

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