Part 157

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HI LOVES ! I missed y'all so much ! I know I said I'm coming back in 6/6 but I'm not fully back because I only get my phone for an alarm for my school so yeah . I'll try to write some chapters before I go to sleep.

The next day ( Sunday)

Noah's pov :
Today I was thinking about taking the kids out and having a fun family time . Now they're all sleeping also Dixie and I'm in my office working . Then I heard a knock on the door .

N: come in
Di: daddy ?
N: gm baby , how did you sleep ?
Di: good , we did a movie night yesterday! In owens room
N: really ? Which movie did you watch ?
Di: the cat in the hat !
N: ofc you did .
Di: ( sits on Noah's lap ) I wanna be like you , always work
N: but it's annoying sometimes
Di: but it's okay , I love working
N: okay , one day , you'll be a businesswoman
Di: yeah I wanna be a businesswoman!
N: that's my daughter!! ( laughs)
Di: ( laughs) can I help you with something? I wanna be a businesswoman now !
N: um sure , here ( gives her a paper and a pencil) write everything you want it to be in my company
Di: okay ( starts writing )
N: ( continues his work )

Dixie's pov:
I woke up at 10 am and Noah wasn't in the bed. I got ready then I checked on the kids , owen and nova are sleeping but daisy wasn't in her bed . I went to Noah's office and found them there .

D: gm guys
N: gm babe ( kisses her )
Di: ewww , gm mommy
D: gm baby
N: ( puts Dixie's hair around her ear) did you sleep good ?
D: mhm
Di: ( looking at them ) I don't wanna get married in the future
N: why ?
Di: because it's disgusting
D: why ? When you grow up , you're gonna get a boyfri-
N: nope , nova and daisy are not getting a boyfriend till they are 18
D: Noah ! We started dating when we were 17 !
N: so ? That doesn't mean that they can date in a young age
D: don't mind him daisy , I will get you a boyfriend soon
N: Dixie !
D: I'm just kidding! I think that 16 it's the best age for a boyfriend
N: I think 100 it's the best age
Di: I think that boyfriends are just eww
N: yes ! Yes they are
D: ( laughs) yeah sure, anyways , what are you writing daisy ?
Di: I'm a businesswoman mommy ! I'm writing things I want them to be in daddy's company.
D: oh ! Can you tell me what are these things ?
Di: mhm . 1: a play room for me 2: a desk next to daddy's deck 3: a bed for me 4: Starbucks 5: daddy give me his whole money ( giggles )
N: I'll give you my whole heart ( kisses her cheek )
Di: thanks , and the last thing , a dog
N: I don't think we can get you a dog in my company
Di: but its my dog !
N: and it's my company!
Di: and you're my dad !
N: so ?!
Di: please daddy ! I want it !
N: I'll think about it
D: anyways , what do you want for breakfast?
Di: eggs !
N: same
D: okay

Noah's pov:
We went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Then Owen and nova woke up and ate breakfast with us . I told everyone to get ready because I wanna take them out , they all were so happy about it. We finished eating then everyone went to their rooms to get ready . I got ready then waited for everyone in the car . They all came after 15 minutes then I started driving. I saw a girl sitting on the street and she looked familiar. She looked so sick and tired. I looked closer and it was Olivia .

Ow: dad , why did you stop ?
N: umm
Di: is that Olivia?
N: yeah I think so
No: omg , she look so sick
Ow: why do y'all care about her ?
No: oh please don't act like you hate her , you literally went to her few days ago
D: ( looks at him ) You did ?
Ow: y-yeah sorry
D: no it's okay
N: ( starts driving ) we're not going to ruin our day

We arrived at out fav restaurant and sat there , we ordered our food and waited for a little then the waitress came and we all started eating.

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