You Gonna Be Okay?

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Chapter 2 – Steven Rogers

Weight. That is all I feel, weight. I try to lift my eyelids but it seems impossible. I keep trying until finally, I can pry them open. I immediately take in my surroundings. I am in a bright white room. I look down and see that I am in my old army shirt and khaki pants. I don't remember ever putting these on. All I remember is water and ice. I hear the handle of the door start to turn. I snap my head up to see a woman in a uniform.

"Good morning, or should I say afternoon." She says.

"Where am I?" I ask her. She walks closer to me and places her hands in front of her. 

"You're in a recovery room in New York City."

"Where am I really?" I ask, my voice growing darker. I see her shift uncomfortably. 

"I am afraid I don't understand." She says, smiling even wider. I can see the lie in her eyes. I think quickly to point out the errors surrounding me. 

"The game. It's from May 1941. I know because I was there. And these aren't my clothes. The last thing I remember was crashing a plane into the ice. Now I am going to ask you again, where am I?" I demand, I am angry now. She shifts again, pressing some small device in her hand. She sucks in a deep breath. 

"Captain Rogers.."

"Who are you?"

"Captain Rogers, wait," I don't even wait for her to finish, I just take-off running. I run through the wall behind me, the thin fabric ripping with the smallest force. I run through the halls as some kind of alarm goes off. I hear the woman running behind me, her heels clicking on the tile as I run out into the streets, seeing all of these glowing boards with unfamiliar images and words. The world feels like it is spinning around me and I grow dizzy. Scores of soldiers dressed in black tactical gear swarm around me and hold their guns at the ready. 

"At ease soldier!" a dark man in a black coat says, emerging from the sea of armed men.

"Captain Rogers," the woman who was in the room says, "I am very sorry about that whole production back there. I just thought it would be better to break it to you slowly."

Rachel POV

"Captain Rogers," I say. He looks at me, his eyes full of sadness and confusion. "I am very sorry about that whole production back there. I just thought it would be better to break it to you slowly."

"Break what?" he asks skeptically. I take a deep breath and step in front of Fury. 

"You have been asleep, Captain Rogers, for almost seventy years." My voice shrinks as I tell him. I pull off my tie in defeat and look across the way at him. My face contorts into a sympathetic frown. 

"You gonna be okay?" Fury asks Rogers.

"Yeah," he replies. "I just... I had a date." 

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