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Chapter 3 - Rachel Stark

"I am truly sorry about your date sir. Would you mind coming with me to his office?" I point behind me to Fury as I said this. " We need to debrief you." I pause, trying to read the copious emotions behind his eyes. "Please, sir, I am here to help you," I say, trying not to sound too much like I am pleading but we are holding up New York traffic.

"Sure, would you mind answering all of my questions?" He asks, relaxing slightly. 

"To the best of my abilities," I say truthfully.

I get him to come away from the middle of the guards and guide him around the other agents to get him into a car. Once seated, he started to breathe heavily, panicking. He starts to bite his lip and puts his elbows on his knees.

After five minutes and some deep breaths, Captain Rogers breaks the silence.

"Okay, I am going to start asking questions." He says.

"Okay, I am going to answer," I say smiling.

"Who are you?" he asks.

"I am Rachel Stark, I am a weapons specialist as well as a field agent for the government corporation called S.H.I.E.L.D. All of the agents in the square also belong to this corporation." I say. Surprisingly and against all of the training I have learned as an agent, I feel I need to give him all of the answers he wants. I feel really sorry for him, everyone he's ever known is old or dead. I've never felt this much pity before. 

"Are you related to Howard Stark?" he asks.

"Yes, he was my father."

"Was?" he asks.

"Yeah, he was killed, along with my mother, in a car accident almost 21 years ago," I say. All of the memories come flooding back. My eyes tear up and I clear my throat to avoid giving away any more outward emotion Great Rachel, way to make a first impression. I quickly blink the tears away. I definitely was not expecting to get so emotional. This incident was in the past. I look back at Captain Rogers to see that he was a little emotional as well. This is new information for him. 

"I am sorry Captain Rogers, it's just... he would be very proud that you were here. I didn't mean to..."

"Steve, please call me Steve." he cuts me off.

"Okay. Steve, I am truly sorry. I had no idea..." I say.

"Why am I here?" he asks, cutting me off again.

"A few months ago, some government agency found you and your plane in the Arctic. You were trapped in this block of ice. They took you into a lab and started to... melt you. They were treating you like a science experiment, not like a person even though your heart was beating. I was called in because Fury knew with my father's notes, I could help. And after my little break from S.H.I.E.L.D., helping recuperate my brother and another fellow agent, he thought this assignment would be good for me. I felt like I would be disappointing my father if I didn't come here and oversee your transition." I finally finished. "I apologize if I sound a bit forward."

He takes a minute to take it all in. My stomach starts to turn in the silence, becoming nervous. Why do you care what he thinks? I ask myself in my head.

Steve finally looks up at me and offers me a slight smile. "Thank you. At least you have a familiar name, " He simply says. I smile over at him. And for now, that much was enough to calm my nerves.

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