Hospitals and Banner

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Chapter 21 - Steven Rogers

As soon as the S.H.I.E.L.D. doctors found us, they immediately went to work on Rachel. They took her out of my arms and put her in the tube that was on the other side of the room and started to level out her vitals. I wiped my eyes. I couldn't look weepy right now. This is when she needs me to protect her most.

"She was shot twice, just over ten minutes ago. I wasn't here when it happened. All I know is the man who shot her, Ian Quinn, is actually a man called David. That is all I can give you."

"Alright, that is good enough Captain. We are moving her now." one of the nurses said. They lifted her in the tube to a stretcher. They pushed her out of the home without any confrontation and I followed.

Once we got to the Quinjet, we all piled inside. I sat down next to Rachel's head. The whole flight I just stared at her perfect face. I wanted to tell her that I had feelings for her. But the time was never right. It never came up in conversation. Both of our love lives have had bad track records, so it was a topic we generally avoided. But now, I regret never telling her. She is quite literally laying on her death bed, and I may never get the chance to share my feelings.

The Quinjet lands (pretty roughly might I add). The medical team runs the stretcher off of the back of the jet and into the facility. I run after them down hallway after hallway until they reach a set of double doors and two male nurses stand in my way. 

"Captain Rogers, you can not go in there. Please, just wait out here," one of them says. And I do. I wait, and wait, and wait. 

After an hour or so of waiting, another nurse comes in. As soon as I see her, I stand up. She walks over to me with a sad smile plastered on her face. 

"Agent Stark has slipped into a coma. That much blood loss can do that to someone who has been through the kind of trauma your partner has," she says. I shake my head and place my hand over my mouth. I frantically search my mind, trying to think of something to say. 

"Is there anything I can do?" I question, at a loss for words.

"Call her family, and get them here as soon as possible. They need to make a decision."


"How long to keep her on life support," she says, and walks out. I stand there, paralyzed for about ten minutes, unable to simply sit back down in my chair. My mind is racing, trying to figure out what to do first until finally, my hand reaches for my cell phone. I am still not very good with phones, but I think through everything Rachel has told me to do. I find Tony's number and press it. It rings twice.

"Hello?" a groggy Tony slurs.

"Stark, it's Steve. We have a situation." I say.

"Well, what is it Spangles? I'm sure I can take care of it," he says cockily. Great, he's drunk.

"Rachel was shot," I say bluntly as the tears start to assault me again. "They want a decision regarding the length of life support."

"God, Steve! Weren't you there?" he shouts into the phone. I cringe away from the speaker, his words shooting daggers into my chest.

"I didn't get there fast enough," I choke out, my voice breaking.

"Where are you guys now?" Tony asks and I hear scuffling on the other end.

"The S.H.I.E.L.D. base an hour outside of D.C." I say.

"I'll be there in an hour." The line clicks and I sigh, a single tear running down my face. I bury my face in my hands. I didn't get there fast enough. I have never been fast enough to save the people in my life. First Bucky, now Rachel. I have never been able to save the people that mean the most to me. 

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