Files and Food

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Chapter 19 - Rachel Stark

After a beautiful ride through the city, we finally made it back to the apartment complex. 

The few days between the attack and now Steve and I as well as the rest of the group were spent at the base, keeping a close watch on Loki and filling out lots of paperwork. A portion of the population of New York was not too happy that aliens destroyed everything and that we were there. Their blame for the attack rested on us and we took as much criticism as we could until Tony promised to donate a sizable fortune to help restore the city. The local and federal governments were not too happy with us either, but Fury and the council at S.H.I.E.L.D. work out an agreement for us. 

Once we finally make our way to our apartment doors, I look over to Steve who looks about as tired as I feel. He catches me looking over at him and smiles. 

"See you in a minute," I say, opening my door. I stumble through the doorway, kicking off my shoes. I sigh and make my way to the bathroom, turning the knob on the shower all the way to hot. 

I quickly peel off my clothes and bandages, hopping in. I start to wash my hair, releasing a huge breath that I didn't know I was holding. My lungs suck in a huge breath as tears begin to fall silently from my eyes. I press them tightly shut, trying to get myself to stop, but I can't.  

My brain flashes through the events that happened over the past week. I watch myself get shot, feeling both my arm and my thigh throbbing under the pressure of the hot water. I watch Loki hit the glass wall of his cage, threatening me. I watch Steve fly out of a window and crash to the ground. Tony flies into a gaping hole in the sky and comes crashing down. My breath becomes ragged and I slide down the wall of the shower. I breathe heavily, the hot air around me suffocating as I descend into a panic. I quickly pull my knees into my chest, trying to get my breathing back to normal. 

The more I try to calm down, the more things flash in front of my eyes. I turn the water cold, feeling the wet drops hit me. Focusing on each place the water hits me allows me to push my thoughts to the back of my mind. Slowly, I stand, keeping one hand on the wall for balance. My breathing slows as I switch the shower off. 

I reach my hand out, feeling for my towel. I dry off slowly, my brain still in a haze. I pad over to my room and grab my grey Midtown Science and Technology hoodie, one that I have had since my brief time there. I grab a black pair of shorts and throw them on. 

As soon as I am dressed, there is a soft knock at my door. I walk softly over to the door and open it, knowing it is Steve. He looks as if he has showered too, small droplets of water grace the ends of his hair and they shimmer in the dim light of my apartment. I break my gaze and move out of the way, letting him through the door. 

"I don't know what to make and I have no good fixings in my fridge, can I take a peek in yours?" he asks, already making his way over to the kitchen. I nod silently, letting him search for food. I walk over to my couch and lay down, silently staring up at the ceiling. Steve says something to me from the kitchen but all I hear is a murmur as I fall asleep. 

Steve's POV

"I don't know what to make and I have no good fixings in my fridge, can I take a peek in yours?" I ask, walking through the door. I look over to Rachel who nods and makes her way over to the couch. I watch her carefully as she lays down. "I think I might make some chicken sandwiches, does that sound alright?" I ask, making my way over to her slowly. When I peer over the back of the couch, I see Rachel peacefully asleep. 

I smile to myself and quickly grab a blanket off of her bed. I walk it back into her living room and carefully tuck it around her. I grab the fixings I need from her kitchen and walk out quietly. 

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