Life After S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Chapter 35 - Rachel Stark

2 days later...

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" I place my left hand on the Bible that the jury woman held out in front of me, watching her as she says the words. My face slides into a cool mask, not letting a flicker of emotion cross my face as I raise my right hand.

"I do." I take my hand off the book, watching as the woman crosses the room with the Bible. I take a deep breath as the police officer hovering behind me begins to walk forward, pushing me towards the desk. 

Fury tasked Natasha and I to attend this Senate hearing after denying his subpoena. I take my seat next to Natasha, making subtle eye contact with her. She nods, the unspoken command to stay calm running through my head. My breath hitches in my throat as I look out to the panel of senators before me. 

"Why haven't we heard from Captain Rogers yet?" one of the senators asks the both of us. I take a deep breath, about to answer until Natasha fields the question first. 

"Well I don't know if there is much left for him to say. I personally think that the wreck in the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently," she smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. I look down at my watch, taking note that I had been here for almost 2 hours. This was our third panel, each meeting in this chamber and each with the same questions. Questions that Fury didn't even have answers for. 

"Well, for starters," another member speaks up. "He could explain how this country is supposed to continue to maintain its national security now that the two of you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus." he points to me, looking over the top edge of his glasses. I meet his stare, challenging him to question me further. 

"Hydra was selling you lies." I speak into the microphone, still holding his gaze.

"Many of which, it seems, that you had a hand in telling, Ms. Stark." He clears his throat. "Agent," he corrects himself. "You should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given both of your service records, for this country as well as against it, that you belong in a penitentiary. Not mouthing off on Capitol Hill." I raise my eyebrows.

"You aren't going to put me in jail. Or any of us," Natasha challenges, a slight smirk gracing her features.

"And why do you say that?" 

"Because you need us." I lean forward into the desk, getting comfortable. "Two years ago, aliens came out of the sky. The Avengers, loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were the first responders to the attack. Today, the largest intelligence agency fell. We are the fine line between this world and the universe beyond us. We are protecting citizens of your country, and the citizens of the world." I look at all of the government officials in front of me, my eyes snagging on the one man who was questioning me. "Yes, the world is a vulnerable place. And yes, we help make it that way. But in the end, we are the most qualified ones to protect it. So if you want to arrest us," I look to Natasha, "Arrest us. You'll know where to find us." 

I stand up abruptly from my seat, hearing Natasha's chair scrape the floor behind me. I make my way towards the door, a smile on my face for the cameras. I swerve through the cameras, trying to get out of this room and get back to the hospital. 


I hate hospitals. They are so sterile and so cruel looking. Most of my life has been spent in either the field or a hospital. I have visited S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the hospital before, but this time is different. This S.H.I.E.L.D. agent is different. This agent is my best friend. Wait, scratch that. He is more than a friend to me. He is... I can't even describe it. The effect that Steve has on me is addictive. I never want to leave his side and I never want to leave him behind.

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