Uniforms and Germany

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Chapter 11 - Rachel Stark

I lead Steve through the hallways off of the command center towards the barracks. As we approach his room, I discover that it is directly next to mine. I'll be sure to thank Fury for that one later. 

"Well, it looks like things won't be changing too much around here." I chuckle, looking up at Steve. He returns my remarks with a smirk that makes my stomach flip. I stare, dazed at Steve for a second. He clears his throat and I snap back to attention. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear and continue.

"I'm going to go back to the bridge. I need to start tracing the Tesseract with Bruce and make sure they set up some spectrometers. You can join me if you'd like, I am sure Phil will want to talk to you." I say, wiggling my eyebrows. I leave him with a smile and turn on my heel. As I walk back to the command center, I start running through all of the possible ways to track the cube until another pair of footsteps distract me. I quickly turn my head to look behind me and take in a breath of relief when I see who it is. 

"Steve..." I say as I slowly turn around, "Do you not want to talk to Phil alone?" I say with a crooked smile. Okay, maybe no bromance between these two.

"Not really," Steve replies honestly, wringing his hands anxiously. I laugh. 

"Okay, stick by me. Maybe you'll learn something about radiation tracking," I say, patting him on the shoulder. We make our way back to the bridge rather quickly and I slip into an open computer station, taking a seat. Steve is on my heels, leaning his hand beside me as his body hovers close behind me. I feel my stomach start to turn and my brain begins to run wild until I hear a familiar voice that breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Captain Rogers!" Coulson says from behind us. Steve picks his hand up from the desk beside me and I turn around in my chair. "Can I have a moment?" he says, motioning for Steve to step slightly further away from me. I give him a little wave goodbye and try to conceal my laughter. 

I turn back to my computer screen and start to focus up, scanning the maps for any significant hit in gamma radiation. It looks like Bruce must've told Fury to get the spectrometers up worldwide. I start to zone in on a few places that are showing significant signs of gamma. I am so focused on tracking the cube that I almost miss Coulson ask Steve about his cards. 

"I mean if it's not too much trouble," Phil says. I turn around in my chair again to look over at the two of them. 

"No, no. It's fine." Steve says. I catch Steve's eye and he sends me a wicked smirk. I turn my chair back around and try to shake my attention back to track, but something about Steve's devilishly handsome smile... 

"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges, but..." he was cut off by an agent named Jasper Sitwell.

"We got a hit. Sixty-seven percent match. Wait, cross-match, seventy-nine percent." My computer starts beeping as well, shocking me back into reality. My computer isn't beeping about gamma radiation, but a totally different frequency.

"Location?" Phil asks.

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse. He's not exactly hiding." Sitwell finishes. I turn to Coulson. 

"I've got a hit on something else," I say, pointing to my screen, Steve, Coulson, and Fury all make their way over to my computer. "It looks like a different kind of energy from the Tesseract. It's in the same location." Fury looks between Steve and me. 

"Captain, Stark, you're up." Steve and I both nod and leave so we can get our uniforms.

Steve POV

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