Friends We Fight

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Chapter 32 - Rachel Stark

I see the flash of Steve's shield, his body following close behind as he intercepts the soldier. I maneuver myself around to try and see what is happening behind me. The soldier engages Steve, kicking him to the ground. Their motions turn blurry, my vision starting to lose focus due to blood loss. I swallow hard, trying to focus on something other than the pain in my shoulder. I press my back against the car hard, hoping to keep my balance and stop myself from falling over. 

"Bucky?" I hear. I turn my head, hoping to see what is going on between Steve and the Soldier. I peek over the hood of the car and see the soldier with his mask off. I take a sharp breath in, recognizing his name. 

Bucky shot me? Steve's best friend from the 1940s? How is that possible? 

"Who the hell is Bucky?" the soldier questions, promptly aiming his gun over to Steve. 

"No!" I choke out, using all of my energy to get me back on my feet. I make my way towards the two of them as fast as I can but Sam beats me to it. He launches a grenade at the soldier, causing him to disappear in a haze of smoke. I slump into the van next to me, my energy disappearing. The three of us wait in anticipation for the smoke to clear. 

We watch as the black cloud dissipates, revealing an empty street. S.H.I.E.L.D. vans descend on the road, quickly surrounding us. 

"Drop the shield Cap!"

"On your knees!" 

"Get down!" 

A group of seven or eight men surrounds Sam and Steve while only one approaches me. I shake my head, trying to clear the fuzz from it so that I can fight back, but Steve drops his shield and gets on his knees. He places his hands on his head, surrendering. I follow his lead, holding my hands out for the agent to cuff me. 

I whimper as he puts his hand on my shoulder, causing more blood to leave my body. He forced me into the back of a van, shoving me through the opening. I stumble in, still unable to see straight, and take my seat next to Sam. The truck stars, jostling my whole body around. I have lost the ability to keep my body upright, so I try leaning back against the wall as hard as I can. I take deep breaths, trying to focus my vision or comprehend anything that Steve is saying. I hear him mention Bucky and take a big breath in. 

"None of that's your fault, Steve," I say, lazily. I watch Steve's head turn toward me slowly. I feel his stare on my shoulder as my eyes start to droop closed. I feel Sam's cuffed hands get placed on my lap, hoping the counterweight of his hands would keep me from falling over. 

"We need a doctor in here," Sam says, looking over to the two masked agents sitting towards the front. 

"She needs medical attention right now," Steve demands, his eyes snapping out of their haze. He shifts his body towards the two agents threateningly, causing the one on the left to pull out their taser. Steve slumps back, relaxing his body in defeat. 

Much to our surprise, the agent on the left uses the taser on their partner. Sam looks to Steve in confusion. The agent takes off of their helmet, revealing a head full of familiar brunette hair. 

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." the agent remarks. I open my eyes as wide as I can, seeing Maria Hill. I sigh in relief, the familiar face soothing my anxieties just slightly. I let my head roll to the side, hovering over Sam's shoulder. She points to Sam. "Who's this guy?" 

"She's losing blood, fast," Steve says almost frantically from across the van. My eyes flicker shut, feeling my hands and arms turn cold. I feel my eyes stop fluttering causing me to slowly lose consciousness.  

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