Where Are You Now?

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Chapter 36 - HYDRA Agent

Through the one-way glass, I watch as Number 7 struggles. It has been almost a month, but her trials have only just begun. We've put her in this room, testing the limits of the gem in the scepter. 

"I am getting really tired of hearing her scream." I look away from Number 7 and to the scientist on my right, who is rubbing his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger. I sigh, rolling my eyes at his insensitive comment. 

"Well, it's not like she volunteered." 

"Are you going soft? Look at her, she's an Avenger. She is a prize catch." I sigh and look away from him. 


"I might be a prick, but I am a prick with a point." 

I scribble down a few notes, taking into account the bruises lining Number 7's legs. Her cheeks have hollowed out in the time she's been held here, her once muscled limbs have become thin. I lean forward from my seated position, clicking the PA system on.

"Number 7, experimentation commencing. Day 12." She's been in here 12 times, each time yielding no results. It hasn't taken any other subject this long to get any results. The other ones did end up dead, though. Hopefully today we will see something happen. 

Suddenly, there is a flash of light, and Number 7 is on the floor.  I jump up from my chair, heading straight into the room. I kneel down next to her, placing two of my fingers on her neck. 

A pulse. 

"She has a pulse!" I yell out, looking at my partner who ran into the room after me. 

"Get her back to her cell. We need to run some tests."


Rachel's POV

My whole body aches. The cool metal of a table seeps through the thin layer of fabric of my medical gown, biting at my skin. I turn my head to the side, my neck muscles straining in the effort. I try to sit up, but my chest is strapped down to the table. 

I pull at the restraints around my wrists, my eyes opening to examine my surroundings. I am in some sort of lab, computers and machines surrounding my body. An IV runs from my right arm, a bag of clear liquid running into my body. 

Cold panic shoots through my veins, watching the liquid drip into the IV. What is this stuff? I think through a plan. How can I break these restraints and get out of here? There is a syringe nearby; maybe if I could get through these... 

No. If I haven't been able to escape in these past months, it won't be happening now. I should just give up. Steve's dead and Tony can be happy without me. He has Pepper and his suits. They'd eventually forget about me. 

Natasha would probably miss me. She is probably looking for me now, scanning all of the known HYDRA bases for any sign of me. 

I hope she is looking for me. I hope someone is. I am not sure how much longer I can hold on here. I feel the effort to get up every day draining. There is nothing here for me anymore. 

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