Control Panels and Important Agents

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Chapter 15 - Rachel Stark

I push the Engine panel back into its container on the wall.

"The relays are intact." I say, "What's our next move?"

"If I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push."

"But if that thing speeds up, you'll get shredded!" I yell into my earpiece over the wind.

"Then Rach, stay in the control unit and reverse the polarity long enough to disengage mag..."

"Speak English!" Steve yells.

"Rach, explain it to him."

"Okay. Steve, you see that red lever? It will slow the rotors down long enough for Tony to get out. I am going to stand by it and wait for his word. You are going to have to give me a boost." I say, "Then follow me up. I don't know what could go wrong and I might need your help." He looks up to the small bit of metal sticking out by the red lever, trying to figure out how to get me up there. He sets his hands gently on my hips pulling me forward and lining me up. My stomach erupts into butterflies with his touch and I gently clear my throat, hoping Steve wouldn't notice the heat rising to my cheeks. He sets out his hands in a cradle-like position so that he can boost me. I put my foot in and he throws me to the lever. A few seconds later, he joins me.

"Hey, long time, no see," I say, my voice a little timid. He chuckles. Oh, what a beautiful sound. There is nothing going on for a good, eh, three seconds; then the attackers came. I pull out my shotgun from the holster on my leg and begin firing at the men. They started shooting at us. I shoot one in the head and he drops his gun.

"Steve, the..."

"I see it." He says, jumping down. He grabs the machine gun and jumps back up, trying to help me take out the other six that are behind him.

"Cap, Rach, I need that lever!" Tony comes in over our earpieces.

"Uh, we need a minute!" I say while firing bullets. They shoot back. I feel a stab of pain in my left arm. You have to get through this first.

"Lever, now!" I reach out to get the lever and fall. I grab onto a loose cord and try to climb back up.

"Rachel!" I hear Steve say frantically.

"LEVER!" Tony yells. I finally get a good grip on the cord and start to climb.

"Steve! Pull the lever!" I scream, hanging onto the cord. He quickly does as I ask and runs over to the side of the ship. He begins to pull the cord up, allowing me to just hang on while he does all of the work. When I finally get hoisted up, I see that Tony has taken down the intruders. I take a deep breath. But I don't get to rest for long. A quick shock of pain in my arm causes my balance to falter and I fall into Steve, who is standing behind me. He grabs my sides and stabilizes me, giving me time to look over my arm. Around my bicep area, there is a chunk of fabric taken out of my suit and a large gash dripping blood down my exposed arm. 

"Hey guys, could one of you come to take a look at my arm?" I ask. Tony walks over to me and sees my arm.

"Gosh, you are bleeding you shouldn't be so polite." My brother says, being sarcastic, as always. With his hands still around my sides, he peeks his head around to assess my injury.

"Well it looks okay to me, nothing a few stitches couldn't fix," Steve says, with a comforting smile on his face. "Your arm was just grazed by a bullet, nothing too serious," Steve says. I turn my head to look at him and he quickly drops his hands from my waist, his face turning a shade of red similar to the one in his uniform. 

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