Asguardians and Science

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Chapter 12 - Rachel Stark

As Steve falls from the sky, I am finally able to get the jet's control back to normal. All of the alarms cease and I am able to put the jet on standby. I hover above the confrontation, watching as the guys duke it out below me. 

I am not able to see everything, but I see a shield hit Tony's chest, and then Thor's. Steve says something to the men and walks over to them, putting his shield back on his arm. Thor continues the conversation, taking a threatening stance as he hits Tony with his hammer. Eh, he probably deserved that. 

Suddenly, Thor turns to Steve and breaks into a sprint.

"No Steve, no don't do that," I mumble from the plane. I watch as Thor raises his hammer. Steve crouches down, putting his shield over his head for protection. Just in time too, because just as he does, the hammer comes down and connects with his shield, sending out a sonic wave around them. It sends Tony, who had gotten up, flying backward again and it even knocked Thor down as well. 

After everyone below recovers, I land the jet a few feet away from where the guys had gathered, Loki in the middle of the circle they formed. 

I walk to the back of the jet, pushing the button to open the ramp for the boys. 

"So, are we ready to head back?" I say with my hands on my hips. Steve offers a tired nod as Tony walks up to the open jet. I turn to Tony and whisper, "So I see you've met Thor." He turns his head to me, the mask coming up, revealing his face. He gives me a sarcastic look. "Like I said, literal god." 

I had mentioned my time in the Southwest to Tony once he found out I was involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. and he never believed that I had seen a god. 

Thor and Steve each have a hand on Loki as they pull him back into the jet. Once everyone is situated inside, I start the jet up again, setting course for the Helicarrier. 

"Director Fury, do you copy?" I ask into my comm. 

"Agent Stark, I copy." 

"Please send your coordinates, we should only be about 40 minutes out," I say. 

"Has he said anything yet?" Fury asks as the coordinates flash across my screen. 

"Not a word," I say, mumbling so that the guys in the back have a harder time hearing me. 


Once we land on the Helicarrier and disembark from the quinjet, a large team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents relieve us from keeping an eye on Loki. We follow behind them until they split off towards the prison unit and the three of us head back to the command center. 

"Where did Stark go?" Steve asks from behind me. I shrug without looking back as we enter the large room. Each of us takes a seat at a big conference table; the computer banks and Fury's podium are laid out in front of us. I send a wave over to Agent Maria Hill, who is leaning against a railing near the table.

Steve and I take seats next to each other as Bruce and Thor stand on the opposite side of the table. Natasha joins us as well, sitting next to where Thor is standing. The screens in front of us flick on, showing Loki being shut into his cell. The static clicks off as Fury begins talking.

"In case it is unclear, you try to escape. You so much as scratch glass," Fury says to Loki, as the bottom of the cage opens. Wind whips around underneath the cell as the glass case holding Loki threatens to drop. I remember the designs for that. It was for... oh.

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