chapter 105

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Once he reached their room he kicked the door closing it and put her on the bed.

Manik: nandini you are troubling me so much today

Nandini: maine toh kuch kia hi ni

She said pouting but this just made manik more angry

Manik: nandini don't push it

Nandini; maine kia kya hai ha batao mujhai

Manik: kia kya kia seriously, nandini you purposely sent me to the doctor with Cabir and you lied saying you have to work on something

Nandini: I was working on something, you have a meeting in two days with Mr mehra so I was reading the contract and making changes

Manik: that doesnt mean you didnt send Cabir with me on purpose so you could face nyonika alone

Nandini: manik I wasn't alone and she didn't do anything na

Manik: ya and that's why you have a cut on your forehead, im telling you Nandini if you pull another stunt like this im not talking to you

Nandini: acha sorry

She said getting up and hugging manik but manik didn't hug her back

Nandini: maf kar do sorry I didn't want to hurt you and

Manik: I know you didn't want to hurt me but you ended up getting hurt like I said before and I can handle nyonika please dont do this again

Nandini: I won't promise

She said but crossed her fingers behind his back while hugging him

Manik: I need you safe baby

Nandini: hmm

Manik: words nandini

Nandini: hanji I know

She said leaning on him. They were hugging while swaying a little. After a few minutes nandini looked up at manik

Nandini: manik im tired

Manik: chalo lets go nap for a bit

He said picking her up and getting in bed

Manik: should I get you something to eat

Nandini: no im not hungry. But go get something to eat for yourself

Manik: no its okay

Nandini: mani go I know you are hungry

Manik: ill be right back okay

He said and ran out to get some food. He came back with a plate of chicken biriyani that nandini made in the morning. He also had his laptop in the other hand confusing nandini

Nandini: why do you have your laptop

Manik: im not too tired so ill look over the presentation

Nandini: ill help you

Manik: acha okay abhi lay down

Nandini: how will I help then

Manik: shh a karo

he said taking the spoon close to her mouth

Nandini: meko bhuki ni hai

Manik: a karo

Hearing him again she opened her mouth and manik fed her biriyani while eating himself too. Once they finished eating manik put the dishes on the side table and sits beside Nandini while she sits next to him with her head on his shoulder. Manik opened his laptop and started reviewing some work.

Was he really a monster ???जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें