Therefore I Am

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Just something I did for fun, I decided to do Roadkill/Hayden cause....well at the time of posting this it's his enjoy this 17 year old snake demon traumatizing Shade- 

Clockwork: BROTHER!!! 

Roadkill: lying in bed, covering his face with a pillow NO!

Clockwork: get the fuck out of bed birthday boy 

Roadkill: fuck my birthday, in a year, I'll be an adult and go through a painful 5 minute demonic puberty and I'm not into that 

Clockwork: not even a party? ....or cake? 

Roadkill: cake is not gonna take away my trauma 

Clockwork: can I at least give you my gift? 

Roadkill: takes out the pillow if it makes you leave faster

Clockwork: Ok! Brings in a kidnapped Shade enjoy! Leaves 

Roadkill: .......slowly gets up....smiles oh brother you should have 

Shade: ...hey, Hayden buddy! Listen we can...try to talk about this we are the same After all... demon royals... right dear old friend? 

Roadkill: ...puts tape on his mouth ha! pathetic 

(Welp you know the drill) 

Roadkill: lift his head up I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

Roadkill: lift his head up I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

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Roadkill: I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

Roadkill: let's go stop, what the hell are you taking about? Laughs and slaps him Get my pretty name out of your mouth...we are not the same with or without

Shade: muffles 

Roadkill: dont talk, bout me like how you might know how I feel, top of your world, but your world isn't real...your world an ideal.... 

So go have fun, I really couldn't care less and you can give them my best but just know-

Roadkill:holds up an apple  I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

Roadkill:holds up an apple  I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

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Roadkill: I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am

Roadkill: Goes up to his face  I don't want press to put your name next to mine, we're on different lines so I wanna be nice enough, puts the apple in front of him they don't call my bluff  cause I hate to find articles, articles, articles, rather you remain unremarkable pushes him off interviews, interviews, interviews, when they say your name, I just act confused 

Did you have fun? I really couldn't care less and you came give them my best but just know-

Roadkill: steps on Shade and pulls him by the hair I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am! Smirks and hist his head against the wall I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am....drops him 

Shade: takes out the tape and breaths what the hell!? 

Roadkill: ...I'm sorry 

Shade: what? 

Roadkill: ...laughs I don't think I got your name.... grabs him by the collar and pulls him close I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name! 

 grabs him by the collar and pulls him close I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name! 

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Roadkill: slams him to the floor I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am! I'm not your friend, or anything damn! You think that your the man, I think therefore I am!!! 

 he's gonna beat the shit out of him for the rest of the time I guess....anyways happy b day or whatever Hayden...roadkill...idk anymore at this point

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