Poe Losing His $h!+ ... Over A Name (Gift)

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Ok so I was talking with my Friend @insanebatkid on discord over this and I think this is too funny I can't help but share it 

Poe Is their OC (Bill Cipher x The Beast child) if there's that belongs to them btw (along with some of the other Ocs mentioned here, like Azali, Lafayette, ect.) 

Azali: tied up along with everyone else Shit! I think we are about to fall!

Henry: holding up a sign: (relax, I'll think of something!)

Poe: with his crew and the tech support well you better think fast boy! I got the beastling Leopards are being as patient as me!

all the bad ends laughs

Lafayette: You're a coward! A coward and a peasant The Theif!

Poe: well I'm not one too- ......wait what did you just call me?

Lafayette: a coward!

Poe: no no no no no the the the thing after that

Lafayette: uhhh The Thief!

Poe: pauses....."The Thief" .......they look at his hands.....they look back at him wow......

Everyone: ...........

Poe: ok ummm......ouch I-I feel like I other really great recognizable qualities—

Rozezalian: if you don't let us go you're gonna be sorry!—

Poe: I sing! I sing! Bet you didn't know that just by looking at me did you? I love playing the banjo! I like taking care of my bird, Freddy! I like to give upgrades to Darla! But no! You instead decided! To attribute my ENTIRE PHYSICAL IDENTITY! ....to this gestures at him self

Gem: wait till Henry gets Free, then you'll be sorry Theif!

Poe: ...wait..you call me this too? Is this a universal thing!? HOW LONG HAVE PEOPLE BEEN CALLING ME THIS!?

Jewels: well isn't that your name? Theif?


Everyone: ....looks and points at Henry

Henry: ......

Poe: oh my King Of Despair, That's so mean.....

Henry: ...speaking don't you think you're over reacting—!?

Poe: Over react— I don't call you, Henry I don't want to get a real job ...McRobbery Sweater! Or call him pointing at Rozezalian dumb....villain..... goth snake demon— I can't think of a good one for you whatever....

Crimson: well ARENT bad end names usually based off what they're good at?

Poe: goes up to them do you see him? points at H3NRY over there, that glitchy scary friend of mine? smiles creepily showing his fangs do you want to know what I Call Him?

Crimson: ......scared what?

Poe: his eyes turn red H3NRY!!!! BECAUSE THATS HIS FREAKING NAME!!!

Sapphire: .....ok well what about Gamer-Over!?


Gamer-Over: My Father was villain!

Poe: ...their father....was Villain! your parents were cruel based of how youre treating other people

Rozezalian: Cruel!? Your literally shipping over A bunch of weapons and dinamite to a tyrant cult leader!

Poe: absolutely done Oh give me a BREAK!!! me!? You're literally a Villain Rozezalian, working for an actual cult leader who is using your bloodline for his villainous deeds!

Lafayette: His Name Is Viperion!

Poe: just snaps OH HO HO HO HO! SO NOW WE'RE HERE! ABOUT WHAT THINGS ARE ACTUALLY CALLED!!!! a branch throws off the Pie Off H3NRY's hands 

Everyone: . . . . . . . . . .

H3NRY: ...a single tear falls on his cheek as he stairs down his empty hands

Poe: ....slowly turns to H3NRY H3NRY, Im so sorry....

H3NRY: .......a virtual screen with text it's alright Captain

Henry: I think you're taking this a little too seriously-!?

Poe: LOOK AT ME HENRY! LOOK AT ME!!! Look at what they did to me! it's like if I ran over  Morty with Darla(his ship's name) then called him "Morty Roadkill"! ...I DONT GET TO LABEL THAT! THATS MORTY'S THING!!!

Rozezalian: ok Alright then! What would you LIKE to be called!?

Poe: ........smirks I never actually thought of that you know....I guess like a nickname you know? .....well I-I mind Captain Handsome! Captain, Badass pirate! Something to that name....

Genocide Frisk: how about, Captain, still ain't in jail!

Poe. Oh no, that's just tempting fate!

Cannibal Six: how about Captain of the weeds who has x2 daddy issues!

Poe: ....well I mean closer but no, too specific come on fellas! Think think!

H3NRY:  virtual screen: what about, Captain Poe, The Wicked Sea Demon!

The court Jester: that's true, you can be a bit wicked at times, mostly unintentional

Poe: ........smiles do I pull it off?

His crew: Ay!

Poe: Ha! I'm The Wicked Sea Demon! Haha! Yes yes I rather like it! Alright Henry I'm Captain Poe, The Wicked Sea dem— sees everyone escaped and they escaped.....typical......

Gamer-Over: don't worry you'll get them next time!

H3NRY: virtual screen they shall regret the day they ever crossed the most ruthless evil pirate on the sea! Captain Poe, the Wicked Sea Demon!

The Crew: The Wicked Sea Demon!

(This last part isn't canon but it's here anyways:)

Poe: smiling ......yeah on second thought, why don't we just leave it at "The Thief"—

His crew: Ay!

Anyways I wanted to post something cause unfortunately tomorrow I start going to hell Aka school so obviously process will be slow, plus it's been a while since I've posted here 

Hope you enjoyed—

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