2 || Introducing Ourselves

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Sasuke Uchiha


"Where... am I?" I said to myself. I looked around the room. It seemed like a hospital since there were lots of empty beds.

"You're finally up." A familiar voice said to me. I looked toward my left where it came from. It was Naruto sitting up on the bed next to me, staring towards the wall in front of him. I decided to do the same.

"How long was I out for?" I asked him.

"I don't know exactly, but I regained consciousness about 10 minutes before you did." He replied.

I didn't say anything else and just looked out the window between us. The sun was shining, so I assumed we were out only for a few hours at most. There were also lots of wisteria trees, I noticed.

"Your blade is on your right, by the way." The Uzumaki said to me. I instantly looked to my right to see my sword resting on the wall. I thought that was quite interesting.

"The people that took us seem to trust us even though we have weapons." I talked about the situation.

"Yeah. They didn't even take my bag of ninja tools and just left it with me, ya know." Naruto said again.

We were just talking while facing to the wall when suddenly the door to our right was slid open. The opened shoji exposed a girl wearing a blue uniform of some sort. She also had pigtails held by two butterfly pins as her hairstyle.

"Ah, you two are awake." The girl said.
"Lady Kocho! The two are awake!" She then yelled to her right. After that she walked back a little bit to open up some space along the door.

Naruto and I didn't say anything but to just let her do what she wanted. Also, the way the girl called this 'Kocho' made me think we were going to meet the owner of the house. And I was right.

We waited for a few seconds until a girl wearing the same uniform as earlier appeared. She wore a white butterfly-patterned haori and also a butterfly pin. It seemed like that was the theme for this place: butterflies. She also had a sword sheathed to her side, which was quite interesting. Also, even though she's a little shorter than the one we met earlier, she seemed older.

"Oh! Hello, you two. My name is Shinobu Kocho. May I know yours?" The person said.

"Sasuke Uchiha." I replied first. Naruto then followed.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"Alright. Well, as you two probably know, you collapsed outside and was out for quite a while. Thankfully though, you were close to our mansion and so we took you in." Kocho said with a smile on her face. Even though there was something a little off about it, I decided to ignore it. Something that clicked though was the fact she said we were out 'for quite a while'. So, I wanted to ask about how long we'd been unconscious for. But, somebody else beat me to it.

"How long were we out for?" The blond guy said.

"Oh, it's the next day now." Kocho answered with a smile while clapping her hands.

I raised my eyelids from shock upon hearing that. Naruto seemed to be even more surprised as he had his mouth open.

"Ahahaha! Anyway, may I ask why and how you two collapsed?" She was the one questioning this time.

"Probably just from fatigue and exhaustion, hehe." Naruto replied for the both of us while scratching the back of his head.

"Well, there will be a meeting soon and we want you to come with us." She said.

'Meeting? Is this some sort of organization?'

"Well, it'll start in about 15 minutes so you can go outside." Kocho said with a little bow and then leaving the room right after.

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