why did you do that?

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hehe im on an angsty rush at 2-3am.


Aether had a small dream, and that was to be regonized by somebody for his hard work and dedication for the arts or his person. But nobody bothered to care to even noticed the work. And that was hurting him inside, slowly enough to make him crack.

"Depression at a young age and shows no emotiom, what a stupid child."-Some Stupid adult

Whenever he got hurt, a smile appeared on his face, as he would be saying the words I deserve it greatly. The truth was he didnt, and thats what led to him meeting his lover Xiao.

Xiao made a fire go out in the blond's heart. He felt happy, as his sister called it. His stomach had butterflies, and even though the raven couldnt really smile, at least he could make Aether feel the same way.


"Everyone just doesnt see the real you, you just have to smile Aether. At least act the part, you dumb fuck."-A


The blond slapped himself so he doesnt cut himself. Self punishment, as you may say. If he cuts himself, his parents and friends would worry. And he would do nothing to make them upset or cry.


Slapped again, and again, and again

He was so glad no one was home to hear his little rant, or he wouldve been shunned for it. The blond wouldve been pampered with questions, no time to himself. At least, that's what he thought. Someone was home

The blond's lover had been outside his bedrrom the whole time. He heard everything. The raven wanted to drop the gift he was holding, but decided to just knock.

"My darling Aether, Im home and i bear a gift for you. Please let me in."-X

"Spare me a minute please!'-A

The blond freaked internally. How was he suppose to clean up all his mess without his lover knowing what he had been doing? Was he going to leave him like everyone else? Was he going to say he needed a break after all the affection he gave to him?

Aether opened the door, greeting Xiao with a peck on the cheek. That meant something was wrong or he had a long day and was tired.

"Hey love, you ok? Your eyes are red and puffy, and you seem tired."-X

"I am fine, please dont worry for my feelings."-A

" I have to Aether, it is in my nature to worry for you."-X

The blond was shocked, but didnt show it. He was grateful for the archons that gave him this man.

"My gift to you is a locket, with a picture of me inside. So you can always remeber me when Im away."-X

"Xiao, this is so thoughtful of you! Thank you, I'll wear it with pride and remeberance!"-A


"Oh how I wish that were true."

" My love, may i ask why did you do that horrible deed?"

" What drove you to be in this bed today, with slashing cuts from yourself and that blade?"

Please just let me die knowing I spent my time with you greatly.

I refuse myself to. We have so much time together left.

I deserve it greatly Xiao, you of all people should know that.



The raven had to watch in shock as Aether weakly put one more cut on himself, a indeed death on himself.

Im so sorry my love, I aploigize for not seeing your pains ealier. We couldve got you help, or I work less to support your mental health.

Instead I was a fool and ignored you when you needed me most greatly.

The locket I gave was a reminder that you are dead, and theres nothing I could do to save

I just had to be faster

So here I am, right next to your grave. Hoping to see you in the after life one day.

690 words

Xiao x Aether one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now