Third person POV:

Kageyama stared at his sealing, he laid still in his bed. He had woken up very early, and he was not so happy about it. But it was impossible to go back to sleep, his thoghts were racing. the previus day replayed in his mind. That elf was like stuck in his mind.


"I'm coming" he said as he got up from his bed. He walked down the dark wooden stairs into his awfully clean kitchen. He started cooking breakast to his family, he ate it and walked towards de door. His arrows on his back and his bow in his hands.

"Tobio before you go, if you see any elf's today kill them" his mother said with anger laced in her voice.

"I won't kill elf's they have done nothing against us they century, so stop trying mom, I won't" he said, his voice sharp and filled with anger.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way, I'm your mother, elf's are dangerous, we have no choice" she answered, anger filled her powerful voice.

"How would you know if they are dangerous, have you had a calm meeting with one?" He shot back as angry as his mother. He hated when she did this, she was always trying to make him change his mindset, but he didn't listen, she was only talking nonsense anyways.

"No I haven't but I have met one were it almost killed me, so I know what I'm talking about" she said and lifted up her shirt from her arm and showed a terrible scar scattered across it. Kageyama stood frozen in shock, he had never seen that scar on her arm before and he had lived with her his whole life.

"The elf attacked me, as I was aiming towards a deer and used a big thorn and ripped my arm up, it hurt like hell and the elf made sure I was going to remember that pure pain for the rest of my life" she said as she tugged her shirt down again. 'But the elf's we met was so, polite and  did not even look like they were going to hurt us, more like they were terrified of us ' he finally got it, the elf that attacked his mom was defending the deer. It finally clicked in his head, the elf's was just trying to defend their forest and themselves, that was why everything had gotten downhill before the war, human had gotten greedy.

"That might have been because the elf was defending the animal you were about to kill" he replied now in a calm manner, he had calmed down some when his mother did. What he was not expecting was the words that came out of her mouth.

"I know" she said and turned her heel around and walked into the house and smacked the door closed.

He just stared at her confused, 'what, how does that work, she knew and still blamed it on the elf. It was just their defence how can she do that' he furrowed his brows as he walked down the muddy sidewalk. His steps fast as he wandered to their meeting place.

Tw:self implied homophobia

He walked faster trying to make it when the sun was as high is it could. 'I wonder if we will meet those elf's again, if I can see him again' he shakes his head, he can't think these things, he is an elf and a boy for that matter.

Tw over

He saw the other hunters standing there waiting for him,".

"C'mon let's go and see if I'll see that beautiful elf again... I mean find some prays" Bokuto said as Kageyama reached them. Bokuto looked completely out of it, he had big eye bags and his hair was not styled as normal. Actually all of them looked really tired with big dark eye bags and dull eyes.

"Okay I'm not going to lie, we all look like complete shit" Tanaka said while looking at all of them.

"Yes we do, I could not sleep yesterday, my stupid thought were racing in the speed of an arrow" Daichi said as he rubbed his eye.

"Actually that's what happened to me too" they all said in unison. They looked at each other and knew, they had all been thinking of the same thing, them.

"Okay let's sum it all up, we did think of the beautiful elf boys and are now sleep deprived" Daichi said sighing and rubbing his scalp.

"You are right, but we should not even be thinking this in the first place, it's not right" Tsukishima said and they all nodded, then he added "but we can't help it, can we?" He sighed.

"I got to see him again, we'll look for them" Kageyama said as he rubbed his shoulder (go with it and don't question me I had to write something) it was a bit out of character for him but he could not help the strong urge to see that beautiful creature again.

"Yes we will do that but let's hunt first so we don't offend them by holding our prays near them" Kuroo offered with a beaming smile.

"I'll have to agree with this stupid rooster, that will upset them if we do so let's hurry and leave it at home" Tsukishima said as he started walking. 'Oh well someone's eager to see someone' Kageyama thought as he started walking too and the others trailed after.

"Wait what excuse will we use to leave our households after coming back with the finished hunt" Asahi asked slightly worried, making the others stole in their step and turn around to face him.

"You are right, we could go with he normal excuse, we shall discuss our hunting techniques and train our skills with the arrows" Tanaka said after a second of silence.

"You are right that could work" Kageyama said monotonously.

"Our parents are so obsessed with hunting they'll easily go with it" Tsukishima said and all of them agreed.

They wanted to see the elf's badly, have a conversation with them, maybe even become friends. They had already start falling above the edge of the cliff, the cliff called love.

Hello again so now here is the fourth chapter and damn. I'm proud that I could make up this, I wanted it to be only from the hunters POV this time and I actually liked it but of course there will be elf POV to but probably not any person POV cuz I really think this story will be a hell lot a better in third person POV. Anyways hope you enjoyed and see you in next chapter!

<word count:1147>

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