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Third person POV:

The elf's danced, laughed and played with their magic.


The hunters walked even further into the forest, in hope of finding even bigger prays to make their family proud.

Kageyama insisted that the would go even further just one last time. They stopped abruptly when the heard laugher and giggles. Kageyamas eyes scanned the forest, trying to find the persons who laughed. He could still hear it ring in his ears. As in a trance the all walked further in to the forest until they saw a glade with fire and flowers in the air and people dancing on flying rocks. The water in a beautiful pattern as it sparked in electricity.

They stood there looking at the beautiful display in front of them. Kageyama was taken back by the beauty from the one with orange hair that seemed to glow and his movements was impossible to look away from. 'That is the most beautiful human I've ever seen'

The other ones was also taken back, As they watched them in awe. But then Kageyama noticed something, this was magic, elf magic. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Hey they are elf's they are using magic" he whispered, he did not want to draw their attention towards him and get attacked.

"Your right shit, but I can't take my eyes of them, their to beautiful" Tanaka whispered back and everyone nodded.

None of the hunters moved an inch and just stared at their beauty.

Kageyama felt weird, he didn't like it. He wanted to get out of here, he did not want to have to pierce an arrow through his pale but shiny skin. 'I can't kill him, I won't be able to, he is really messing with my sense what is he doing with me' as Kageyama thought that, the pudding headed elf turned his head towards them and locked eyes with Kuroo who just stared back, slightly drooling. (Me getting these vibes 🤤, I'm sorry)

The elf instantly stopped using his magic and the other elf's turned their head towards them. 'God damn that pudding headed elf is so beautiful' Kuroo thought to himself, he shaked his head at that thought, there is no way he could think a boy was beautiful, even worse an elf.

All the elf's expressions turned horrified, as they stared back at the humans.

"What are you doing this far inside our forest" the red headed elf said a bit shaky but sounded confident.

The hunters could not answer, they were to taken back. 'That elf is pretty, what no Kageyama Tobio no you can't think that it not right' he tared his gaze from the elf and looked at all of them instead.

"We were just hunting our food for our family's, we did not mean to intrude" Kageyama answered the elf. He felt the red headed elf's gaze on him, studying him suspiciously.

"Why do you say words for the prays you killed" he asked him still looking at him.

"Uhum you do you ask, we always do that to honor the animals sacrifice for us to be able to eat?" Tanaka answered him before Kageyama could.

"Why do you eat them in the first place, you could eat other stuff than innocent animals" Ennoshita continued.

"uhum, well... guess we could" Bokuto said a bit taken back by their answer.

"Now humans what about you leave, mmh, we do not want a fight now do we" Akaashi answerd with his head up high.

"Yes we will leave, but there will be hunters here tomorrow, so watch out for uor parents, they will kill you as fast as they see you" Kageyama answered coldly as he studied Hinata closer, trying to read his expression.

"Well thank you... uhum" Hinata said, hesitating when he tried to thank them, realising he did not know their names.

"Tobio, Kageyama Tobio" he filled in. The elf's expression turned horrified upon hearing the name Kageyama but only for a second before they took control.

"You are a Kageyama, a hunter of course, that's weird, you would have killed us all at an instant" Sugawara said coldly, very different from his normal cheery voice.

Kageyama and the others where slightly taken back by the fact that they knew so much about his family. 'How do they know so much about my family name, though of course, my parents have killed many of their kind, so they must tell their kids about them, to warn them from getting killed' He planed his answer carefully, not to let too much information slip past his lips.

"I guess but there is nothing you have done to prove that you will hurt any of us" He replied in his monotone voice.

Now it was the elf's turn to be taken back, all the stories they have heard was apperently very different from reality. They thought that the humans carelesly murderd their kind for some kind of glory.

"Don't your kind kill our kind to get some kind of glory and hang us up like trophies" Kenma replied, very suspicious from the humans behavior.

"Our parents do but we all think its wrong" Kageyama replied, the other hunters taken back by it, never had they thought Kageyama, the heartless and cold human being reply that, but he wasn't wrong.

"He is telling the truth" Tsukishima said as he stared at Yamaguchi, as if he was trying to convice him that they would not hurt them.

"Okay we will have that in mind but now leave" Suga said as he ponted towards the end of the forest.

"We will now have a good night and look out tomorrow" Daichi replied, cursing under his breath at his own stupidity, 'I can't just say, ahve a good night, that was stupid and sounded like we knew each other'

The hunters turned around with Kagayama in the lead as they got out of the forest. They all went home, giving their family their prays and ate them.

They went to bed after, exhausted but could not sleep as a single thing ran trough their minds, 'I can't get him uot of my head'

Hello Third chapter is now done, they have finally met. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. See you soon in next chapter!

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