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Third person POV:

Kageyama laid down in his bed, facing the cealing. He was trying to figure his thoughts out. They were all over the place, he could not get Hinata out of his head. He was taking up all Kageyama's mind space. He was trying to figure it out but he couldn't.

He and his friends would not hunt today since they hunted extra yesterday, so today they would "practice" and "talk techniques". They all were hyped about meeting them again, the hunters where desperate to see them again.

Kageyama got out of his bed after almost three whole hours awake. Often he would get up when he woke up but not these two mornings after meeting the elf's, it felt impossible for him. He wanders down to the kitchen like a corpse and his parents glared at him. 'What did I do this time' he thought do himself when his mother stepped closer towards him.

"Tobio, we have finally gotten the answers from our king. He said it's trial for you in a week where you have to kill an elf, and the rest of your friends will have it one week after you since they are not as talented" she said making Kageyama fully wake up and stare at her in anger and betrayal.

"I said I don't want to do that stupid trial!" He shouted as he stared into her eyes. The anger he felt clear as water in his tone and eyes.

"Tobio you have to or you will never learn or earn anything in our village, it's important for our family's dignity" she shot back at him with irritation laced in her voice.

"I don't CARE ABOUT THE FAMILY STUPID DIGNITY IT DOESN'T MATTER TO ME, you never cared for me as your son anyways, you only care for the legacy to move on" He said as the rage he felt slowly drained out of him.

"I what? I never cared for you as my son? Where the hell did you get that from?" His mother asked now really mad.

"You scared my face when I said for the first time I didn't want to kill elf's, you never cared about my opinion or what I wanted to do, you only care about yourself and the dumb family legacy" he said glaring at her. She looked shocked but that shook quickly turned into anger.

"How dare you say these things to me" she said with so much anger and force it made Kageyama flinch.

"I only say what I think and what's true" he said, now a bit scared of his mother.

"Brat" she said as she raised her hand to his face. 'Please don't mom please' he thought until ha felt the stinging and burning pain across his left side of his face. She had slapped him on his scar.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" He cried out in pain as he half his hand over his now bleeding scar.

"Don't you ever deny my requests ever again" She said as she turned her heel and walked away leaving Kageyama alone in the kitchen bleeding as he dropped down on the floor. It hurt, a lot.

He tried to move when he heard heavy footsteps walking down the stairs in hurry. He felt extremely relieved when it was is father end not his mother, he didn't have the power to face ever right now.

"Oh my god Tobio what in the world happened here?" His father asked as he kneeled down next to his son on the floor.

"Mom s-she slapped me across my scar and
n-now it's bleeding" Kageyama replied shaking, he had not been hurt by his mother in so many years he had thought she changed, he was wrong, so wrong.

"She WHAT!?" His father said surprised and angry.

"She and I had a fight a-and she called me a brat and then slapped m-me" he said trying to hold back his tears, he was (666) not going to cry.

"Come here I'll help you clean it so you can go to your friends, okay?" his father asked in a sweet voice.

"Okay" he said as he stood up leaning i his father for support.

"What she did was NOT okay, she hurt you again after she sweared she wouldn't" hai father said with cleated teeth.

"I know, I know" Kageyama said as he got his wound cleaned and a bit a pep talk from his father.

Kageyama walked down the muddy street as he thought about his fight with his mother, could he tell his friends, would they believe him if he did?. He decided he would tell them or at least Hinata, even though he had only know Hinata for two days he trusted him more than himself. He knew he could trust him from the moment he spoke.

Kageyama arrived to their meeting place the last as always but he wore a frown instead of a blank face. His friends noticed and Tsukishiam spoke up about it.

"Hello king, why are you frowning?" He asked Kageyama who snapped back to reality.

"Has something happened?" Daichi asked hi, worried.

"Remember you asked so believe me when I say it" Kageyama said as a warning.

"I had a argument with my mom about those dumb and idiotic trials and it ended up hon her slapping me so hard on my scar it stared bleeding" he said monotonously, looking at them all to see if they had any reaction at all, they had one that's for sure.

"She slapped you?" Tanaka asked with confusion written on his face.

"Yes" he replied shortly, he did not feel like talking to anyone except Hinata.

"Oh my god she can't do that you are her son"Bokuto asked clearly angry.

"I know bro it's not okay" Kuroo said also sounding angry.

"She had no reason to hit you, she could've talked it out" Daichi said very irritated with Kageyama's mother.

"She didn't but now let's go, we can't keep them waiting" Kageyama said as he started walking and soon got the others after him.

Hello I had not planned this chapter only to be in the hunters POV abut whatever I think it turned out good. Hope you enjoyed! Poor kags😭

<word count:1051>

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