Third person POV:

Tw: violence, abuse and slight own said homophobia

They walked further into the forest, to the same glade where they always met. Kageyama walked first as always, but his mind was somewhere else. His thought kept trailing to Hinata even though he really tried to focus on something else. That was until he heard a high pitched scream followed of other terrified screams. He started running with the others close. They ran until they reached where the scream came from and to their horror it was from the glade. Kageyamas breathing hitched when he saw what was going on. Hinata was pressed against the ground with a sharp thorn against his throat. Another tall figure hovered over him, pressed him down.

Sugawara watched with tears in his eyes, Akaashi and Kenma stood frozen in fear, Ennoshita was shaking and Nishinoya was standing behind Sugawara as he cried silent tears. But where ever Kageyama looked he couldn't see Yamaguchi until the one pressing Hinata down flashed a smile towards the hunters, especially Tsukishima. It was Yamaguchi holding Hinata down with a big and sharp thorn made from his body.

"Hello hunters and hello Tsukki" Yamaguchi said smiling but having a very firm grip on Hinata and the thorn. Tsukishima started at the display, 'what the hell happened, Yamaguchi would never do this, and did he call me Tsukki?'

"What happened here?!" Kageyama shouted with anger clear in his voice, no one lays a finger on Hinata, no one. He stared coldly at Yamaguchi who was now smiling like psychopath, so wide it must have hurt.

"Well I'm just doing what he told me to" he replied with a wicked smile that made all of them shiver in fear.

"Who is he?" Tsukishima asked trying to get closer to Yamaguchi without him noticing.

"Stop where you are Tsukki" he said sternly as he pressed the thorn even closer to Hinata's neck, the thorn almost punctured his skin.

"Or his life won't be anymore"he said pressing the thorn slightly more so Hinata's thick, red blood slipped down his next onto the grass. Kageyama growled, he was starting to get frustrated, he wanted Hinata out of his grip and into his arms.

"Stay still Tsukishima" Kageyama said trough clenched teeth. Tsukishima stopped and locked eyes with Yamaguchi.

"Stop this Yama" Tsukishima said with worry in his voice but you could tell it wasn't towards Hinata, it was towards Yamaguchi.

"I- what is happening, oh nothing sweet child, no I won't stop" Yamaguchi replied, everyone was confused with him. Until it clicked p, he was not himself, someone was controlling him, brainwashing him to obey their orders.

"Snap out of it Yama, now" Tsukishima said as he slowly got closer, very slow.

"I-" Yamaguchi dropped the thorn as he grabbed his hair and pulled it, hard.

"Get out of my head!" He shouted which made Hinata flinch along with the others. Hinata ran towards Kageyama and dropped down in his arms. He was shaking, Kageyama could feel his heartbeat going crazy from being in that terrifying situation. Hinata cried into Kageyama's chest as he tried getting understandable words out of him mouth.

"I- he j-just sat with u-us as normal a-and then suddenly he g-grabbed me and threw me down on the g-ground, it was nothing like him. He is always so f-friendly and then bam" Hinata said trough sobs and tears. He was terrified and Kageyama didn't know what to do so he just hugged him close and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. He felt the need to protect him and take care of him, he was so confused by his feelings until it clicked, he had fallen in love with this dumbass elf. But he could not bring himself to hate Hinata, he could never. He was just mad at himself for falling in love with a elf and a boy, he can't love another boy, it's not right.

"Snap out of it Yama you can do it!" Tsukishima shouted at Yamaguchi which snapped Kageyama back to reality. The sight he saw was not pretty, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi was fighting and it seemed like Yamaguchi was having a hard time snapping out of the trance he was in. He dashed forward and stabbed Tsukishima in his shoulder before dropping the thorn and screaming,

"Stop GET OUT I DONT WANT YOU IN MY HEAD!" He screamed so loud all of them flinched and backed up. Tsukishima was bleeding from his shoulder and leg while Yamaguchi was sitting down on the grass gripping his hair and bleeding from his stomach, not enough to kill him only to slow him down. The elf started in horror, their friend was acting crazy, crying and bleeding but there was nothing they could do. The hunters watched the fight with terrified expressions, their friend Eva's close to getting killed but they could not help, it was pissing them off and scaring them.

Yamaguchi suddenly started crying, he was looking up at Tsukishima like he was begging him to help. Tsukishima looked at him for a second before dashing over to his side and hug him. He held him close to his chest as he whispered in his ear.

"Cmon you are strong Yamaguchi, you can make him go away. I believe in you" those words seemed to snap him completely out of it as he loosened his grip on his hair, making his arms sink down to his sides. Tsukishima hugged him even closer, while tears where streaming down Yamaguchi's cheeks.

"I-I'm so so so so so sorry Hinata I-I didn't mean to hurt you" he said as he cried harder and harder, gripping on to Tsukishima.

"I'm sorry" he said before he passed out from exhaustion. Tsukishima immediately loosened his grip on him before he laid him down on the grass.

"It's okay Yams, it wasn't your fault" Hinata whispered into Kageyama's chest before closing his eyes.

Hinata's eyes shot open when he felt a burning pain at the side of his throat. He breathed heavier as he tried to draw more air into his lungs. Kageyama looked down on him and before he could react the blood sprinkled down Hinata's neck and over Kageyama's shirt.

Hello ninth chapter is done yay, I hope it was okay written since this is my first time writing something like this. I put a warning since I have heard it can trigger some people and we don't want that. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter!

<word count:1081>

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