Third person POV:

Tw: blood and ingury, maybe death

The blood sprinkeld from his neck onto Kageyama's shirt, his vision clouded and his breathing hitched. Panic spread through his vains as his vision turned black and he body fell limp into Kageyama's grasp. Kageyama looked down with a horrified expression, he was scared, and that was something that did not happen often.

"Hinata, Hinata!, HINATA!" he tried to wake him up bur he didn't answer. His eyes started to flood with tears, he pressed his hands to Hinata's neck, trying to stop the blood from running.

"Hinata please answer me, please!" he shouted which made the others look at him, as soon their eyes met Hinata's limp body their expressions turned horrified. The elfs ran to his side as they started crying. Kageyama looked down upon Hinata, trying to figure out what to do, he could not loose him, not now, not today.

"I- I know where we can get help" Sugawara said as he tried to compose himself and stop his tears. Kageyama didn't pay attetion to the others, his mind and eyes were on Hinata and Hinata only. He did not want to let go, he can't have him dying today, not dying before he could kiss him. He didn't care that it was "wrong" to love another boy. He did not care anymore, he loved him, he found that out last few hours ago but it was as clear as glass now.

"Kageyama let him go, I know where he can get help, and survive" Sugawara said as he gently placed a hand on Kageyama's shoulder. Kageyama flinched at the touch but quickly regained his composure.

"I won't, I'll go with you" he said as he picked Hinata up and looked at Sugawara. Kageyama was slightly shaking out of panic and shock, he didn't get the time to melt it down and get it inside his head, he didn't have time. Hinata could die, he didn't have time to think of what was actually happening.

"Fine now let's hurry before we loose him" he said as he started running along with Kageyama who was right behind him.

They ran for a few minutes before coming up to a small cottage with smoke coming out of the chimney.

"Sugawara the bleeding has stopped but he has gone cold what do I do?! He got to hurry, please stay Shōyō, please!" Kageyama said as the got closer to the cottage. Kageyama's eyes flooded with tears one again, but this time the ran down his cheeks but he didn't even attempt to wipe them away. He knew it would be no use, his eyes would just create more. He had been in shock and panic the whole time since the incident but now it all flooded inside his head. He was scared, more scared then he had ever been in his life before.

'What if I loose him, I can't I can't loose him ever, he means to much. I just figured it out but it doesn't matter, I for once feel whole but if he dies I'll never feel whole again. I don't want to feel empty like I have been feeling for all these years, I just can't. What if he actually dies? What will I do without him?' Kageyama thought as he carried Hinata to the door quickly as Sugawara knocked.

The door opened quickly and out came a woman with pointy ears and dark blue hair and eyes. She looked beautiful but all he could focus on was Hinata, his tears still running down his cheeks.

"Oh hello Suga is there anything I can help- help oh my god Hinata, get him in, now" Kiyoko said sternly as she open her door even more and let them both in, before taking Hinata out of Kageyama's grasp even though he tried to refuse he knew that this was his best chance of surviving.

"I'll help his as good as I can and you two stay here, got that?" Kiyoko said as she hurried into another room to take care of Hinata's wound and try her best to save his life.

Kageyama wandered around the small living room, waiting for Kiyoko to do her work so he would be there to hug him, he really wanted a hug and a kiss from Hinata. He knew he would never get what he desired the most but he was allowed to think.

"Kageyama stop wander around, I know you are scared and worried but stop that now" Sugawara said as he patted the spot beside him on the sofa. Kageyama chewed on his lip but eventually gave in and sat down. He palaces his wet face on his rough hands with more tears falling.

"W-who is she anyways" Kageyama said through sobs. Sugawara looked at him with a small sad smile and his own tears running down his cheeks. Sugawara felt like Hinata was his son, of course he'd be sad.

"That is Kiyoko Shimizu, she is a healer elf, she lives here with her girlfriend Yachi Hitoka" Sugawara explained calmly as he tried to collect himself know that if he cried, Kageyama would cry more than he already was.

"So she is a healer and it's her power?" Kageyama asked and whipped his tears, he was feeling a tiny bit hopeful. She was a healer so she could heal Hinata, to a certain level.

"Yes she will take good care of him" Sugawara said as he put a hand in Kageyama's back, rubbing in circles as he tried to calm him down.

Kageyama was waiting for what felt like a eternity, he was getting more anxious by the minute, what I'd she couldn't do anything because they were to late. He breathing hitched as he tried to regain his composure. He was not going to break down when Hinata could be of the line of life or in it agin any second.

Kiyoko opens the door carefully not to startle Sugawara and Kageyama.

"I have good news and bad news" when she said she had bad news Kageyama's hope died out. He was not going to expect anything from it and then he wouldn't get disappointed. He didn't want to let his filling piece die, he would never. He loved him to much.

"Hinata is alive... but he is in a coma and I don't know when he will wake up, it could be now or in fifteen years" Kiyoko said sadly as she hugged Sugawara close, trying to comfort the now crying elf.

All Kageyama could do was stare at his hands and wet them down with the tears falling from his eyes. 'What if he never wakes up?' He thought as he tried to stop crying, not because he wanted to, because he needed to be strong.

Thenth chapter done and I'm not entirely proud because this is shit, I have school tomorrow and I don't wanna go but I have to T-T I don't know if this is angst I feel like it's not sad enough, and I'm not good writing it so, anyways hope you enjoyed!

<word count:1196>

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