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Third person POV:

Hinata tried to reach out to Kageyama, to the normal world. He really wanted to get out of the cold emotionless void. He had no idea how long he had been there for, it felt like years but he knew it couldn't have been that long. He had only heard his friends visit him twice. He knew that if he would had been gone for long they would have visited a lot more, he trust those elf with his life if he had to.

He wanted to hug them, and his mother and sister he missed them all so much. But the one he missed the most was Tobio Kageyama. He missed his real touch, not the distant one he felt in this void. He missed his voice, he missed they way he seems to care about him so much.
He just missed him.

He had tried several times to get out or atleast get a few minutes outside of the void, but it was impossible, he had been so close but every time something pulled him down.

He was thinking of giving up, but four simple words made him keep trying. "I love you Shōyō". Ever since those words left Kageyama's mouth he never gave up even though it felt pointless.

He was encouraging himself, collecting courage to try to get out one last time before he knew that it was impossible.


Kageyama had visited Hinata every day for one and a half week, but for him it felt like a eternity. He wanted Hinata back so bad, he wanted to hug him, hell he even wanted to kiss him. He missed him so much, too much. It was unbearable.

Kageyama walked in the muddy forest, on his way to Kiyoko's cottage to visit Hinata once again. He told him every time he visited, that he loved him. He hoped Hinata could hear him.

He took the last seven steps until he reached her cottage, where Hinata laid. (That made it sound like he was dead).

He knocked on the door, hoping with his full life that Kiyoko was home and to his pleasure, she was. She opens the door and sloped him to walk in.

"I have some news I think you want to hear" Kiyoko said when the reached Hinata's door. Kageyama looked at her, worried never had he cared about someone as much as he cared about Hinata, to be honest it scared him a bit but there was no way he'd deny it. He knew he couldn't deny it. He was worried that something had happened to Hinata but at the same time he hoped so bad he would be awake, but his hopes soon died down when he heard what she had to say.

"So he has been acting weird, it's like it's a magical coma and not a medical. He has been trying to wake up but it seems like a force is hold him down, I have tried to identify the force and to my luck I did today. It's dark magic and there is only one way to make it loosen it's grip on him, and that is to feed him pure love" she said as Kageyama just stared at her, feed him pure love? How do you do that? Her whole sentence confused him, how do you feed someone pure love.

"Feed him pure love?" He asked her with confusion written all over his face.

"It's like a true loves kiss basically, it's what feeding someone true love means" she said as she opened the door to his room, revealing a pale looking Hinata with strands of orange hair across his face.

"Oh where will we find someone who can give him that?" He asked, he hoped it would be him but he knew that was not how things where going to play out. Kiyoko looked at him in disbelief, 'is he really that dumb or is he just dense?' She asked herself.

"You" she only said and closed the door, leaving Kageyama alone in Hinata's room with an unconscious Hinata.

He just stared at the door, him? Could he really provide Hinata was pure love? He knew what he felt like, Kageyama knew he loved Hinata but isn't true love supposed to be from both sides? He turned around to face Hinata, he finally decided on giving it a try, he wanted Hinata back at his side, he missed him su much it was worth a try. He bowed down and studied his face for minutes before reaching down and plant a small kiss on Hinata's soft, pale lips. He was enchanted by the way Hinata's lips felt on his own, even though Hinata was unconscious he felt the love and spark from the short touch of their lips. He loved it, but it wasn't until Hinata saturated to cough he was brought back to reality.

Kageyama's heartbeat increased with an huge amount. Maybe it did work, then what he felt was real love, for the first time in his life he was truly happy. He saw Hinata stare up at him, Kageyama had tears streaming down his face, he was so happy, Hinata was back by his side, his loved one was finally back.

"I- I'm finally back" Hinata stuttered out with a small smile and tears running down his cheeks as well.

"You are finally back" Kageyama said as he hugged Hinata close to his chest and buried his face in his big fluffy, orange hair.

"I- I just wanted to say, I love you too, so much" Hinata said and hugged Kageyama even closer. He was extremely happy, after what felt like an eternity he was out of the void and back into the armed of his loved one. He felt safe, something he hadn't felt for a while now.

"You do?" Kageyama asked in denial, he couldn't believe it, Hinata loved him back. He cried into Hinata's hair out of happiness, he had never felt this happy I his life before and he loved this nee feeling more than he could describe.

"Of course I do, I love you Tobio" Hinata said as he pulled away from the hug and crashed his lips onto Kageyama's.

Hey hey hey!!! The twelfth chapter is now done, yay! I'm so happy I have worked this hard and continued this story even though I sometimes lose my motivation but I always regain it. I hope you enjoyed! Some more details about the kiss the nest chapter ;) cya till then!

<word count:1095>

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