Third person POV:

Hinata had been weird and awfully calm and thoughtful the entire morning. Even Natsu noticed that something was off with him. He had slept an awfully short amount of time this night and was extended tired. He never liked the feeling of having his annoying thought speed running though his head at the speed of a deer escaping a fire.

He had been like this since the meeting with the human hunter(s). He was confused at their behaviour, they did not act like he had been told so many times by relatives and family. Especially his fathers stories of human bearing cold hearted and brutal toward elf's and others species. He felt betrayed but curious. He felt like a hai relatives had lied to him his whole life, but curious of the humans he newly found very, very fascinating. They had such weird ways of eating and dress.

Elf dressed very loosely so that would be able to use their magic, jump and run easier. They only had thin clothes draped over their pale, shimmery bodies. It covered all it should though.

The hunters in the other hand, they had a white shirt with a brown or black leather west and big thick pants as the same colour as the west. They had heavy leather boosts to what Hinata thought was to protect their sensitive feet and keep them warm.

Elf's ate a fully vegetarian meal and where having a fantastic connection to the animals and nature.

The humans had broken their contact with the nature and heals a unstable relationship with animals. They fed of the dead animals, with vegetables on it to get a good taste.

He just didn't get it, sure they were different but not even close to the stories they had heard, well not all of the humans atleast. The hunters had warned for their parents, so not all humans and were good towards the elf kind, but as it seemed, atleast a few.

His mom and Natsu got tired of his weird behavior so they called it out.

"Shoyo what's up with you today you are so, so weird" his mother asked him in a sweet voice. He was so deep in thought he hadn't even noticed his mom entering his room. At the sound of her voice he jumped and shrieked.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you Shoyo, but I have a question" his mother stated as she eyed him suspiciously. He gulped and turned his head towards her as a "go on".

"Is there something wrong? You have been so weird today" she said, confusion clear in her voice. Hinata looked at her 'can I tell her about the humans, she is always so supportive but this is very different, I'll wait until I know more about them to make sure she doesn't get hurt by knowing'

"No mom I'm fine I am just really tired, I slept bed this night" he said and added a yawn to make his lie a bit more believable. She looked at him suspiciously, debating with herself if she believed him or not. She decided to leave it and walked out the door. He breathed out as a weird thought suddenly crossed his mind.

'That human from yesterday, with that almost black hair, piercing blue eyes and a nasty scar over his left eye, he was so, so breathtaking and beautiful' Hinata was shocked by his thoughts, he shook his head. He could not think that about a human he knew nothing about. 'I know nothing about him but I... I want to see him again'

"I think I need to speak ti my friends about this, all of them" he said to himself and as fast as he could he ran out of his house, leaving his mother looking like a question mark.

Ha raced over the tree branches, jumping from tree to tree. He reached Kenma's tree house and banged on the door. To his surprise Kenma opens directly, they shared one look with all their words flowing in the others brain,

"We need to speak about the humans" they ran to Akaashi's house next and the Sam thing happened, they just had to share a look and they knew. It was the same with Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, Ennoshita and Sugawara. They settled down at the same spot they met the humans the day before.

"Okay this is now an emergency, why are we thinking about humans we met a day ago?" Sugawara said and sighed.

"I don't know I just can't get his face out of my brain" Akaashi said with a confused face.

"The same goes for me, but with that Kageyama Tobio" Hinata said and everyone turned their head towards him, in the little circle they sat in.

"A Kageyama, you know what, let's wait here and see if they come back here and speak to them more to try and decide if they will hurt or betray us" Ennotaka suggested.

"That's a arrow prof plan Ennoshita" Kenma said as everyone agreed with him.

"While we wait we can speak some more of them, collect our dumb thoughts that's all over the place, sounds good?" Nishinoya suggested and got everyone to agree with him since that's really what they had to do.

"Can I go first?" Akaashi asked carefully.

"Yes of course" Sugawara said in his motherly voice haha he always used when he wanted to encourage them to do anything or talking about serious stuff like insecurities.

"Okay you all saw that hunter with hair parted in black, gray and white, I just can't get him out of my head... his pretty hair of golden eyes, he just looked so beautiful, I know it's wrong, he is a human and I'm an elf and we are both boys but... I just can't get him out" he said as he gripped his hair with a panicked expression. Sugawara moved closer and gently rubbed smoothing circles in his back.

"Darling, there is nothing wrong with you both being boys, I think we all have that "problem" now" Sugawara said looking at Akaashi.

"Yes the same goes for me, I can't get his dark blue almost black hair, piercing blue eyes and the scar scarred across his left eye out of my brain... he was just so breathtaking" Hinata said as he looked toward the horizon of the forest.

"Me too, the hunter with silk long brown hair and warm dark eyes looked so beautiful I can't not stop thinking about him" Nishinoya shot in and looked up toward the sky with a small smile.

"Same for me honestly, his blonde hair and surprisingly good looking black glasses, he was so you know... amazing" Yamaguchi said dreamily.

"He was stunning, his short short hair and beautiful smile and welcoming eyes I could die in" Ennoshita said with a small smile playing on his lips.

"That rooster looking haired human had such piercing stare but warm eyes I could not tare my eyes from him" Kemna said with a smirk playing through his voice.

"Oh it's my turn, oh my I could drown in those brown eyes and his muscles oh my god I could drool over them all day" Sugawara said with a small drop of drool in the corner of his mouth.

After a short silence they all burst out laughing at Sugawara's words. They were all thinking about them but not more than their mind. They were not going to let their heart control, their brain was the one they were going to listen to. They would not let their guard down intel they knew fro sure it was safe.

Hello fifth chapter is made, yay! I deleted like half of it cuz my phone just decided to shut of so R.I.P me and my stupid brain anyways I am proud I've this chapter and I'm probably gonna write another one in a few seconds. It's the middle of the night do I care, N O P E not a single thought.

<word count:1349>

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