Return to Creepy Towers

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Summary: Welcome back to Creepy Towers! The Anubis residents are back for a new year!

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! I hope you all had a wonderful week 🥰. This the first chapter of the latest installment in my Tears of Gold verse.

If you are a new reader, welcome! I am so happy you found us! I would recommend that you start with my "Tears of Gold" fic, since this story will quickly become confusing if you are not familiar with the new lore. I hope that you enjoy this universe 💜

If you are a returning reader, welcome back! I have so many fun surprises in store for you all 🌸. I hope that you enjoy today's upload 🥰.


Poppy started bouncing as soon as Alfie turned the car down the tree lined path and rolled up to a familiar pair of gates.

"We are almost there!" cheered the girl

"What are you most looking forward to about being back on campus?" asked Jerome, turning around to look at his sister from his spot in the passenger seat.

"Seeing Missy again!" replied Poppy automatically.

"She just visited us last week" laughed Lili, tugging on the girl's braids teasingly. "What else?"

After a few more seconds of contemplation, Poppy offered "I guess I'm looking forward to seeing the others and eating Maribell's food again. Her gingersnap cookies have yours beat Lili".

"I'd be offended if I didn't agree with you," laughed the blonde girl. "You are going to have to sneak me a couple the next time she makes some"

"Deal" agreed Poppy, only to screech as the car pulled into a familiar courtyard. "I see Missy!".

The younger girl tumbled out of the car as soon as Alfie put it in park, excited to get to her best friend and roommate.

"Penelope! Come back and get your suitcase!" Jerome shouted after his little sister.

"Let her go Roe, she'll come back for it eventually" suggested Alfie.

"I wonder if anyone else is back yet?" wondered Lili, unloading her bags from the back of the car.

"Probably, I just wish that we were able to park closer to the house" grunted Jerome.

"Oh please, as if Sweetie would ever sign off on building a second parking lot. We're lucky he was forced to include this one for the off campus teachers" laughed Lili.

"Yeah my dad isn't big on making student life any easier" agreed Eddie as he and Fabian approached the trio. "Welcome back guys!"

"Thanks Eddie!" replied Alfie, loading the group's extra luggage onto their trolley.

"So Eddie, did you see Nina?" Fabian asked, after the group exchanged hugs.

"Huh?" asked the American boy.

"At the airport? Did your flights overlap?"

"Nope, sorry dude".

"Jerome!" shouted Mara from across the courtyard as she rushed towards the group.

"Mara! It's so good to see you" yelled back Jerome as he picked up the Indian girl and spun her around.

"I missed you all so much" revealed Mara, pulling the others into quick hugs as well.

"I guess we don't need to ask how your vacation was Emmy?"

"Oh it was positively awful," teased Mara. "JK, I spent hours and hours in the Oxford lab. Truly living the dream!"

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