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Summary: Nina makes a breakthrough and the Anubis Residents attend a party.

Evie's Notes: Hi... sorry for the late and super short update. Life has been super shitty at the moment so it was either post this or delete all my fics... So enjoy!


"Should we tell Liliana and Jerome?" wondered Amber from her spot beside Nina on the garden bench.

"Tell them what?" asked Nina, not looking up from her sketchpad.

"About Amneris and Victor's murder cult! Don't they have a right to know what's going on? I mean they are official Sibuna club members" hissed Amber.

"Look, the more people who know the more likely Victor and Vera will find out. We aren't going to tell them until they absolutely have to know. That means you need to act normal when you and Lili hang out" sighed the American girl.

"What about KT or Joy or Eddie?!"

"Look, I love my cousin but she doesn't know anything about the supernatural and I want to keep it that way. As for Joy and Eddie, same reason as before"

But Eddie is supposed to be your mythical protector... how is he supposed to protect you if he doesn't know what's going on?" protested Amber.

"He did a pretty bang up job of it last year" snapped Nina, quickly losing patience with Amber. "No one but the five of us is to know ANYTHING about Amneris or the cult until I say otherwise; and that's final".

Amber just nodded stiffly and turned her attention back to her own sketch. She knew that arguing with Nina wouldn't do her any good right now, she was just going to have to get creative. Luckily creativity was what Amber did best!

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

Nina sighed unhappily as she stared blankly at a map of the Frobisher Academy campus. After talking to Amneris again, something that Nina was still struggling to wrap her mind around, she now found herself tasked with locating the required materials for Amneris' ceremony. Apparently the spirit could sense that the items she needed were somewhere on the campus, but was unable to pinpoint the location further than that. Nina couldn't help but feel selfishly happy that she hadn't been able to hide this latest development from the others. She felt guilty for putting her friends in danger but since they were already in the know due to Amber and Patricia walking in on her first meeting with Amneris she wasn't going to turn down the extra help. Turning back to her notes she studied one line intensely. Ever since her first meeting with Amneris one phrase the spirit had mentioned never left her mind.

"The gift of Anubis" muttered Nina consideringly. It couldn't possibly be what she was thinking of right? If so then Nina needed to hit up the chemistry lab, find a coil of rope and a shovel to start digging up the well.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

Isis parties were always... interesting. The music was loudly pounding through the crowded cellar as the Frobisher Academy students danced and celebrated Lindy's birthday. Lili originally hadn't planned on coming to the party in the first place, but Joy had dragged all of the Anubis residents along with her and Eddie to the event in order to celebrate her bandmate.

Sipping her spiked punch, courtesy of Jude, Lili observed her classmates letting loose after a very trying week. Nina and Fabian were curled up on one of the couches, drinking something from a flask Nina had snuck in. Joy, Eddie and the band were playing on the rickety makeshift stage the Isis residents had put together. Mara was dancing with Andrew from her debate team. Patricia was chatting with KT. Jerome and Alfie were tearing it up on the dance floor with a routine they had invented in year nine.

"Hey Liliana" chirped Tanya, one of Frobisher's German exchange students who shared Lili's Latin class.

"Hey Tanya. How are you liking the party?"

"It's fun, I see your boy is busy tearing up the floor" chuckled Tanya.

"It's nice to see him having fun. I think we all needed this"

"Yes, I was kind of nervous for tonight based on what happend at the last party"

Liliana winced at the reminder of the ill fated Anubis Party two weekends ago that had led to Jason's death. "Anubis House was worried about it too. Mick convinced us all that we needed a night off though so here we are".

"Well thank goodness for Mick"

"Yes, thank goodness for Mick" laughed Lili, downing the rest of her drink before joining her best friends on the dance floor.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know your favorite part of in the comments!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story as a whole in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie🌺

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