The Walls Have Ears

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Summary: Denby goes shopping for *supplies*

Evie's Notes: Happy Monday! I hope you all are having a wonderful week . Thank you so much your support of this story, it truly means the world to me 💜! I hope that you all enjoy the this new update 🌺.


"Did you guys ever have to take personality tests in America?" asked Joy as the trio walked to the music room for Second Hand Heroes practice.

"Sure, but it was just the usual ones, Myers Briggs and the like," agreed K.T.

"Certainly not one with such strange questions" added Eddie. "I wonder why my dad would sign off on a test like that".

"Gods, can you imagine if people actually knew even the most basic shit that went on around here. Like this isn't even murder cult level, yet it's still strange. How on earth your dad has been able to keep this place running for so long is a mystery" sighed Joy.

"Oh that's explained easily enough, money" laughed K.T.


"When Nina and I were researching our family history this summer, we found plenty of mentions of 'charitable donations' made to the local government and business"

"Given the Carnival in September it's fair to assume that dad is employing the same techniques today" finished Eddie.

"Huh, be that as it may, imagine the absolute chaos that would occur if the general public were to find out the truth"

"Madness, absolute madness" agreed Eddie, holding the door open for the two girls. With rehearsal beginning, the conversation was shelved, but far from forgotten in the minds of the trio.

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

"Caroline, have you considered which sacrifice we are to offer the goddess this moon cycle?" asked Graham.

Caroline Denbey eyed the various bottles of pickled herbs and frog legs that were on display. "Yes, the results of the year twelve personality tests revealed the weaknesses of the students. Victor and Vera cautioned that I avoid an Anubis house resident for now. Apparently they wish to save them for the final sacrifice. That said, I feel we should pull someone from Isis house. The Jenks girl seems gullible enough to be tricked into the ceremony willingly without causing a scene. The bonus there is that she is not close with her classmates and will not be missed by the general population. Her disappearance will be easy to explain away".

"Brilliant work as always" praised the architect, selecting several bottles of dried spider legs and powdered mushrooms. "I will wait in the bike shed Monday evening. If you lead her there I will subdue her and prepare the body for the ritual".

"With a solid plan like that we can't lose," cackled Caroline. "Let's pay for these and get back before we are missed, only five more moons and we will never have to worry about work again".

* Scent of Lavender * Scent of Lavender *

"I don't get it! Who puts their vault of stolen artifacts under two feet of solid concrete? I mean how are they supposed to go down and bask surrounded in the golden glow of their stolen glory?" expressed Nina angrily to Fabian as the Sibuna club made their way to their next classes.

"I imagine the concrete came later, probably after Robert and Louisa's deaths. We already know that they kept the cup and mask secret from Sarah so I'm sure they kept their treasure trove secret as well. I imagine that Robert designed some sort of invisible counterweight door in the original stone floor, which is now lost to us due to the concrete" argued Fabian.

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