A New Alliance

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Summary: Time for a wedding and new discoveries

Evie's Notes: Enjoy the new chapter! - xo Evie 💕


Eddie, K.T. and Joy had a team meeting in the atrium before they went into breakfast Wednesday morning. "Are we sure we want to do this?" asked K.T. worriedly.

"Of course we do, we've come this far we can't bottle out now," huffed Joy.

"Oh no, you're right" sassed her girlfriend. "We're about to go ask the druggies who continuously shut us out for help. That's definitely going to go well".

"JJ, Kara... Calm down. We can't go in there arguing. We know that we need their help with this code. That's all there is to it" cut in Eddie shutting down the argument.

"You're right," admitted Joy.

"And who knows... maybe they need our help too" suggested K.T. as Eddie led his team into the dining room where Sibuna was eating breakfast.

Mick had already left for a morning run and Mara had headed into school early to meet up with Andrew for a breakfast date.

Eddie nodded to Nina and the group as the trio entered. "Nina, Sibuna".

"Eddie... What's going on?" asked the American girl, weirded out by his phrasing.

"Clearly you guys have been Sibunaing this year" began the boy, causing the gathered students to stiffen in shock. Did they really think that they were being inconspicuous? "Well we have been working on things from a different angle too. After the arrest of Pedro, which you guys coordinated last month, we found a map to the Frobisher Vault which will help to bring down Pedro and the Frobishers".

The Sibunas were shocked at the direct approach Eddie and the girls were taking.

"You found a map?" asked Nina diplomatically.

"Yeah, I had a vision about a vault here on campus that has all of the stolen Frobisher Treasures" shared Eddie

"Then we went and found a map to the vault that Pedro hired Yates to retrieve for him," added Joy.

"So why are you telling us?" asked Fabian.

"Well first of all, we're all on the same side" pointed out K.T., "And secondly, we're struggling to decode it and figure the more eyes the better".

Amber shifted in her seat, "What do you plan to do with the Vault once you find it"

"Uhh, call the cops... duh" snarked Joy.

"Well we certainly have a hook up for the cops when you need it" offered Liliana. "The local cops are in on the actions of the Society. When we coordinated the arrest of Englavista we used a MI6 agent".

"That's great," grinned K.T.

"Well that's what we've been working on, what have you been up to?" asked Eddie.

Jerome opened his mouth to start only to let out a yelp when Patricia stomped hard on his foot. If the Sibuna club was going to offer anything up it would be what Nina decided.

"Well, we are also looking for the Vault. We have been working on solving a variety of riddles that Frobisher left. The riddles will lead us to the key to the vault which the Frobishers broke into four pieces. We have found three of them so far, and are working on the fourth" explained Nina.

"Well how about we give you our riddle and you share yours, that way we get a set of fresh eyes on both" suggested K.T.

Nina and Fabian exchanged a long look for a minute, before reluctantly agreeing.

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